Is there a way to add bullet points to a scrolling text widget? Â I couldn’t figure it out so instead used an asterisk and line spacing between thoughts. Â When I published and reviewed, the asterisks showed up as <br/><br/> and all of the spaces between thoughts were removed.
I appreciate any advice you may be able to offer! Â I’m using Captivate 2017.
All depends on the reason to use the Scrolling Text interaction. If you want to show a long text, nicely formatted, do not use the interaction but create a pdf and link to that pdf, to be opened in a new window tab.
I am using the interaction because it has an associated variable, because you can allow the learner to type in text, which will be stored in that variable. You can check the variable (have a blog post about custom short answer question using that feature) reuse it later on to display in text containers. Values of variables never have formatting, styles. Look at the Text Entry Box, which is bit similar, but is an interactive object. The Scrolling Text interaction is not interactive. You can show text, but with limited formatting. Maybe the name ‘scrolling text’ is bit confusing?
Before I tried Lieve’s trick, I actually loaded it to our LMS. Once it was loaded everything worked as designed. In preview mode or when I published to my computer, the widgets were wonky. Thank you Lieve for your insight. Next time I make a scrolling text widget I’m going to format the text in word first. For this project, time is of the essence, so asterisks get to stay for now 🙂
I lose all formatting whatever I copy/paste from Word in the Scrolling Text Interaction. I do use Win10 Pro and Word 365, most recent version.
Lieve Weymeis I meant the bullets. I tested it at my end and it works fine in HTML5 and SWF outputs. Let me know if you face any issue with the bullets in Scrolling Text Widget after copying and pasting from word. Thanks
I’m sorry, but can you explain how Word formatting is kept in Scrolling Text interaction? In my experience, I do use that interaction a lot, all formatting is stripped out automatically when copying from any other application. The styling in the Scrolling Text interaction is very limited. Maybe I miss something?