Virtual Training Guide: How To Future-Proof Your Virtual Training Transformation

This eBook is designed as a virtual training guide for your Virtual Training Transformation endeavor—packed with tips, best practices, and ideas you can use! Please sign in to download the eBook By signing in with LinkedIn, you’re agreeing to create an account at and accept our terms of use and privacy policy. Learn more about how we use LinkedIn.  Sign In with LinkedIn Already have an account? Click here to log in. Key Chapters Embarking On Virtual Training Transformation As work-life moves (or attempts to […]

Using mLearning, Microlearning & Gamification to Create Immersive Learning Experiences

Introduction One learning strategy may not be able to address all your training goals and engage the learners. In this article, I show you how the power triad of mLearning, Microlearning, and Gamification can help you create immersive learning experiences. Background Corporate training investments are made to help employees learn, apply, achieve improved performance, or drive change in thinking and behavior. However, one learning strategy may not help you achieve all these. In this article, I show you how you […]

7 Next Gen Gamification Techniques You Should Adopt to Enhance the Impact of Your Corporate Training

With the maturing of Gamification techniques, the focus is now shifting toward Next Gen Gamification solutions. Our Next Gen Gamification solutions build up from the success of current approaches. For instance, From simple points or badges and leaderboards, you have more complex narratives that engage and challenge the learners. We leverage existing approaches like Apps for learning or Microlearning to offer Personalized and more challenging learning experiences. Similarly, we mesh immersive strategies like VR with Gamification concepts to multiply the […]

4 Pragmatic Strategies L&D Teams Must Use to Train Remote Workers with Limited Training Budgets

Introduction In the midst of changing dynamics, disruption, impact on employees and businesses, and looming global recession, what strategies can help L&D teams? In this article, I share 4 strategies to train remote workers quickly with limited training budgets. Background In this article (part of a series of 4 articles, an eBook, and a Webinar), I focus on the impact of COVID-19, notably the need to quickly adopt remote or Virtual Training (amidst tight or limited budgets). Then, I outline […]

9 Definitive Blended Training Strategies to Coach and Mentor Your High-performance Employees

Introduction Funding corporate L&D initiatives is a long-term investment that pays rich dividends. In this article, I share 9 blended training strategies you can use to reap this dividend by using coaching and mentoring for your high-performance employees. Background There may be several high-performance employees in any organization, awaiting “discovery” and whose potential the company might not currently be tapping. That’s a waste of highly valued human capital. With the ongoing COVID-instigated disconnect, the gulf between high performers and their […]

8 Best Practices Business Leaders Can Adopt to Lead Through Business Disruption During COVID-19

Introduction As the world wades through the aftermath of the pandemic, with lockdowns and social distancing, the disruption is making way for new dynamics. In this article, I outline how L&D teams can help employees and leaders react and respond to the crisis. Background In this article (part of a series of 4 articles, an eBook, and a Webinar), I outline how can business leaders help and lead through business disruption caused by COVID-19. I highlight 8 strategies that will […]

Top Virtual Training Guide To Embrace Transformation

This eBook is designed as a virtual training guide for your Virtual Training Transformation endeavor—packed with tips, best practices, and ideas you can use! Please sign in to download the eBook By signing in with LinkedIn, you’re agreeing to create an account at and accept our terms of use and privacy policy. Learn more about how we use LinkedIn. Sign In with LinkedIn Already have an account? Click here to log in. Key Chapters Embarking On Virtual Training Transformation As work-life moves (or attempts to […]

5 Approaches to Consider While Transitioning from ILT to Fully Self-paced Virtual Training

On account of the ongoing pandemic, employers are responding by changing their work paradigms to embrace greater work-from-home models. As a result, the L&D teams need to deliver all their training programs remotely. In the context of this new reality, where physical distance between learners and instructors is the hallmark, Virtual Training offers the ideal solution. In this Infographic, we showcase 5 approaches to consider while transitioning from ILT to fully self-paced Virtual Training. The journey from ILT to VILT […]

How to Use mLearning to Maximize the Impact of Your Blended Training

Over the past decade or so, corporate training has gone through several iterations, moving from in-class, Instructor-Led Training (ILT) to Virtual-ILT and ultimately to 100% Self-Directed Learning with little or no instructor-led components. Each mode offers unique value to the learners. However, Blended Training is being acknowledged as an optimal approach for online training – delivering benefits from both ILT and 100% self-directed training models. What Is Blended Learning? Blended Learning is a training approach that fuses a blend of […]

7 Key Areas L&D Teams Should Focus on to Handle Changing Workplace Dynamics Due to COVID-19

In this article (part of a series of 4 articles, an eBook, and a Webinar), I outline the changing workplace dynamics and the anticipated impact of disruption (short term and long term). In light of this, what are the key areas L&D teams should focus on to handle changing workplace dynamics due to COVID-19. My other 3 articles touch upon: 8 Best Practices Business Leaders Can Adopt to Lead Through Business Disruption During COVID-19 4 Pragmatic Strategies L&D Teams Must […]

5 Amazingly Effective Strategies to Convert Your ILT Program to High-impact Virtual Training

What Is Virtual Training? Virtual Training shouldn’t be confused with online training or distance learning. L&D professionals deliver Virtual Training using simulated learning environments. Instructors and learners connect remotely, and training occurs using a combination of these sessions and self-paced trainings that leverage strategies, such as Simulation, Gamification, 3D, Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented VR. However, the prevailing trend to transition to Virtual Training is a journey, where the elements of training gradually shift from primarily Instructor-Led Training (ILT) to […]

5 Strategies You Should Adopt to Transition to Virtual Training In Spite Of L&D Budget Cuts

The COVID-19 outbreak has clearly changed the way employees need to work and as an extension, how training needs to be offered. In fact, it will lead to a “changed workplace.” The L&D teams are likely to face challenges at many levels, including reduced budgets and delays on approved training budgets. In this video, we explain 5 smart ways to deal with L&D budget cuts due to COVID-19. In the midst of changing dynamics, disruption, impact on the employees and […]