Importing a presentation made in Canva into Captivate

Hi guys, I’m new to captivate I discovered it because I needed to create an on-boarding course for my current company in Colombia and I was developing presentations in canva mostly because their wide variety of graphic design elements available.  I have to insert and audiotrack for each slide and thats why I got int captivate, however Canva doesnt give an option to export my presentation as a Power point file and the pdf file looks distorted. Someone have had […]

Is it true that after my trial period ends, my SCROM file wont work anymore?

Hi guys, I’m a newbie and I’m trying Adobe Captivate so I can upload an onboarding course in my company, however when I export my first course (SCROM ZIP file) the program notified me that my content will expired after my try period ends. what does that mean?