How to question

I’m working on a project and need some guidance.  I want to ask a question, have it report to my LMS, and, if the question is answered correctly, skip to the next question, or, if the question is answered incorrectly, go to a video clip slide and then go to the next question.  Is it possible to do this with the quiz question templates or is there a more detailed set of steps I need to follow to get it […]

Drag and Drop Question

I am working on a drag and drop interaction and having some difficulty.  What I want to do:  I want the drag zone to change states when the correct drag source is dropped and I want another state (including a video remediation clip) to show when the incorrect drag source is dropped.  I’m missing a step somewhere and haven’t been able to figure out what I’ve done wrong.  Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!