I am working on a drag and drop interaction and having some difficulty. What I want to do: I want the drag zone to change states when the correct drag source is dropped and I want another state (including a video remediation clip) to show when the incorrect drag source is dropped. I’m missing a step somewhere and haven’t been able to figure out what I’ve done wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
Here is the link to the article about InBuilt states for D&D objects:
Drag&Drop objects have InBuilt states, just like buttons. That can be very useful, but at the same time you have to be careful when adding custom states. I will post a link to my blog post explaining the InBuilt states in another comment (may need moderation time).
If you want to go beyond the InBuilt states you will need to use the Object actions which are available for each drag action.
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