Adobe Captivate Practice Exam with Custom Results Slide

In this Adobe Captivate video tutorial, I show you how you can use a bunch of knowledge check questions as a practice quiz before your final quiz. I even show you how you can calculate the total correct and incorrect questions on a custom quiz results slide. This tutorial uses variables, advanced actions, and a small amount of JavaScript.

Apply Effects in Your Adobe Captivate Advanced Actions

In this video, I show you how you can apply effects inside your Adobe Captivate advanced actions.

Hack Captivate Event Video Using Camtasia to Add Closed Captions

In this video tutorial, I will show you a way you can hard encode closed captions in your videos.

Restore or Edit Mouse Movements in Adobe Captivate Video Demo

In this video tutorial, I show you how you can restore or edit the mouse clicks and movements in your Adobe Captivate Video Demo eLearning projects.

Separate Partially Correct from Correct Questions on Your Captivate, Results Slide

In this video tutorial, I show you how you can display partially correct questions from your correct questions on your Adobe Captivate Quiz Results slide

The Pros and Cons of Adobe Captivate Short Answer Question Slides

In this video tutorial, I will go over the pros and cons of Adobe Captivate short answer question slides. Specifically, I will talk about using them as a standard question slide, but also how you can use them to survey your learners as well. Also, I will show you the type of data that can be captured in your LMS when you use short answer question slides.

Getting All Your Adobe Captivate Playbar Controls to Appear on Mobile

In this Adobe Captivate Video Quicktip, I show you an easy solution to get all the controls on your playbar to appear on mobile view, in addition to desktop.

Use the Show and Hide Actions in Adobe Captivate

In this video tutorial, I show you a couple of simple ways you can use the Show and Hide actions in your Adobe Captivate eLearning project.

Closed Captions for Slide Video in Your Adobe Captivate Project

In this video tutorial, I show you a small number of tips when adding closed captions to your slide videos.

Customize Your Drag and Drop Interactions

In this video tutorial, I show you a number of ways you can customize your adobe captivate drag and drop interactions and thanks to Mark, I explore the settings and an interesting customization that uses animated GIFs.

Retake Course Instead of Retake Quiz in Your Adobe Captivate Project

In this video tutorial, I show you how you can replace the standard Retake Quiz button with a custom solution that allows you to retake the course. This solution will reset your quiz but also jump to any slide in your course, and not just the first slide of your quiz. This is great if you prefer to have learners retake the entire course instead of just the quiz.