eLearning Webinar (YouTube Live Stream) – Adobe Presenter Video Express, June 26, 2017 at 14:00 EDT

In this week’s eLearning LIVE STREAM, I will share with you Adobe Presenter Video Express or PVX for short. I will discuss why I feel this might be a great alternative for some over Adobe Captivate. If there is the time I will also answer any specific questions related to advanced actions, new releases, alternative software and other eLearning related topics. Follow the link right now to set up a reminder for yourself so you get notified when this LIVE […]

Webinar (LIVESTREAM) – Adobe Captivate Text to Speech

Monday, June 19th, 3:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time I will be reviewing the main features of the Text to Speech capabilities in Adobe Captivate. I will be using Captivate (2017 Release) for the demonstrations, however, most of these demonstrations will work with previous versions of Adobe Captivate going all the way back to Adobe Captivate 5. Follow the link below to set yourself a reminder, or click the link when we are live to join it. https://youtu.be/Dgy849AsfmU If you enjoy […]

Responsive Design Drag and Drop using Fluid Boxes

I’ve had a number of viewers ask about how Drag and Drop can work with Fluid Boxes. In this video, I show you how you can make the two work together effectively.

Share Your Captivate Tutorial with the eLearning Community

Not a Captivate tutorial, but instead a tutorial on how to create a LIVESTREAM to share your Adobe Captivate tutorial with the rest of the Adobe eLearning Community. If you find this video useful, please share it with your colleagues, and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel when you get a chance.

LIVESTREAM – How to Make eLearning More Effective Monday @ 4 PM EST

In this live stream i would like to invite my usual audience but also any learning and design managers to join in and discuss how to make eLearning more effective for your organisation.

LIVESTREAM on how Adobe Typekit works

Just put up a quick LIVESTREAM on some of the basics around what you can do with Adobe Typekit in Adobe Captivate (2017 release). Please share this video with your colleagues if you feel they might benefit from it and don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel if you would like to see more videos like this one.

LIVE STREAM – Adobe Captivate May 22, 2017

In case you missed it, here is the recording from yesterday’s Adobe Captivate Live Stream on Paul Wilson Adobe Captivate Tutorials  

Static and Optional Fluid Boxes

A few of my clients who have hired me to teach them about Adobe Captivate 2017 have asked about two things they used to do when designing responsive courses and how to do the same thing using fluid boxes. The first is the idea of having optional content. In previous versions of adobe captivate you could simply select one of your smaller breakpoints and place optional content off the stage and into the scrap area. When these projects were displayed […]

Enable Wrap Points for Fluid Boxes

In this Adobe Captivate QuickTip, I will show you how you can have independent wrap points for each of your child level fluid boxes.  

Add an Audio Clip to a Quiz Question

In this Adobe Captivate tutorial, I will show you how you can add an audio clip to a quiz question, without it interfering with slide narration or other audio clips on the slide.

Delete Responsive Preview Devices

In this Adobe Captivate Quicktip Tutorial, I will show you how you can delete the default responsive preview devices from Adobe Captivate (2017 release).

Custom Quiz Results Slide Using Fluid Boxes

With the release of Adobe Captivate 2017 edition, I’ve decided to revisit some of the earlier tutorials that I have made for you in the past, especially tutorials that were created with Adobe Captivate 8. Several years ago I made a tutorial on creating a custom quiz results slide using a simple advanced action. In this video, I will show you how to create such a slide but this time using Fluid Boxes, multi-state objects, and Adobe Captivate (2017 Release).