Learning Objectives Vs Learning Activities: What’s The Difference?

Learning objectives and learning activities are two crucial pieces of ammunition in the eLearning provider’s arsenal. They have a role in making lessons engaging and fruitful. Here, we explore the binary relationship of learning objectives vs learning activities by discussing the difference and understanding the importance of both. Emploring The Learning Objectives Vs Learning Activities Dichotomy  “A goal without a plan is just a wish” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Positive learning outcomes are the desired goal for any learning program. […]

Revisiting the Systematic Design Model

“If you don’t know where you’re going,” the Scarecrow said to Dorothy, “it doesn’t matter which road you take.” ~ The Wizard of Oz It’s not what the vision is, it’s what the vision does.” ~ Peter Senge   Background In their book The Systematic Design of Instruction, Walter Dick and Lou Carey list three reasons for using a systems approach to design. First, from the very beginning it causes the designer to focus on what the learner should know […]

I Think This Applies to the Adobe eLearning Conference in Washington D.C. As Well

I just read this great article by Adam Moran on Why Humans Should Attend Conferences – Like Adobe Summit 2017 and I think it applies to the Adobe eLearning Conference as well. If you are trying to convince your manager why they should fly you to Washington in April and book you into a fancy hotel you might be able to pull some key points from this article: https://blogs.adobe.com/digitalmarketing/digital-marketing/humans-attend-conferences-like-adobe-summit-2017/ Now if you’re successful, make sure you register for the conference. […]

How to Trigger Captivate Advanced Actions with Javascript

A lot of the work I do involves access to course variables, objects, and functions from outside via JavaScript. Some tools make it easier than others. One of the most common things I need to do is trigger a chain of actions to run when a variable is changed. For instance, I may want to lock all the navigation until the server reports that user may proceed. (Maybe they need to complete a task on the site before continuing.) In Adobe Captivate, […]

How to automatically back up your project?

1.Select Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Adobe Captivate > Preferences (Mac OS). 2.In the Preferences dialog box, select General Settings from the Global menu. 3.Select Generate Project Backup. Refer the following for more information: http://blogs.adobe.com/captivate/2010/09/recovering-the-project.html https://helpx.adobe.com/captivate/kb/opening-corrupted-captivate-project.htm

How to set up internal server reporting?

Set the reporting preferences through the Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Adobe Captivate > Preferences (Mac), and select Reporting from the Quiz menu in the Preferences dialog box. Check Enable reporting for this project. Select Internal Server and then click Configure. In the Alternate Reporting dialog box, provide the internal server settings. For more information, refer: https://helpx.adobe.com/captivate/using/report-quiz-results-internal-server.html http://blogs.adobe.com/captivate/2010/08/reporting-the-quiz-results-to-a-local-server.html

Creating a Simple Animated Title Page for Adobe Captivate 9 Courses — With video tutorial and exercise file

Why create an animated title page for your course? Well, title pages are the face of eLearning courses and give the first impression of the course to the learners. The title of the course, graphics, look-and-feel, and navigation options are some of the factors which will make it appealing for the learners to click the Begin Course button and start taking the course. So, how should you design your title pages? There are several things you can consider. You need […]

The Captivate 9.0.2 Update adds insane speed and performance enhancements

I have been working for a while now with the Adobe Captivate engineering team and several customers on a project that should be nicknamed, Project Light Speed. This is a project that normally wouldn’t garner much focus, because the focus of the project was to optimize performance of the Captivate Projects playback on mobile devices, on desktops, and even within the authoring tool. I know – that doesn’t sound all that glamorous at first pass, but I want you to think about […]

What’s new and improved in Adobe Captivate 9.0.2

And here comes a new update for Adobe Captivate 9, which makes this eLearning authoring tool even more amazing with the power of new eLearning community, integration with Adobe Stock, and some major performance and runtime enhancements. To get the new update, open Adobe Captivate 9, and click Help > Updates and install the new update. Once the update is installed, your new Captivate version will be Here are the detailed installation instructions and release notes. Now let’s talk […]

Adobe Presenter 10 Enables on-Demand eLearning

Adobe Presenter 10 is an eLearning authoring toolkit that helps you create show and tell video lessons for classroom teaching, distance learning, flipped learning and MOOC sessions. Using Adobe Presenter 10 you can simultaneously capture your screen content and your webcam video. On Windows, Adobe Presenter 10 acts as a plugin to Microsoft PowerPoint. The simple added ribbon will allow you to

New to eLearning? Try Adobe Captivate 8!

Guest post by Coline Son Lee, Principal & Learning Strategist at Everest CS, Orange County, CA How Adobe has broken the entry barrier to developing eLearning with a more powerful and responsive product! As an eLearning developer, I am often asked by others considering making the leap from developing instructor-led training (ILT) to eLearning what is the “best” tool to learn/use. And this loaded question is often narrowed down to two options – Captivate or …? My response isn’t usually […]