5 Key Benefits Of Aligning Training To Company Vision And Brand

Aligning your training to your company vision and goals ensures that you are not just providing them with knowledge and skills required for the job, but also influencing their attitudes and behaviors to make them more effective. As a result, your employees will be more empowered, closely involved, associated with the corporate brand, and loyal to the company. The more the training programs are aligned with the company goals, the more successful the company will be!

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Why Investing In Informal Learning Makes Sense: Featuring 6 Examples Or Approaches

Informal learning is integral to the way we learn, but organizations have several associated concerns about its value and impact. In this article, I address them and—through 6 informal learning examples— I also show you how you can use informal learning effectively. 6 Reasons Why Investing In Informal Learning Makes Sense The fact that learning happens through multiple channels (and not just formal training) is an established one. However, it is only in recent times that we see a focused […]

2 Great Story-Based Learning Examples to Create Engaging eLearning

From times immemorial, stories have been used to pass knowledge and wisdom through the generations. Using stories for eLearning (or Storytorials) is an established creative Instructional Design approach that creates relatable and engaging learning experiences. In this blog, I share two story based learning examples on professional skills training. Background A story-based-tutorial or a storytorial blends the power of storytelling and principles of Instructional Design to create engaging learning experiences. What are the key benefits of using a storytorial or story […]

The Power of a Community

As a vendor you may have the best tools a user can buy, but what is it worth, if no one is using them? This is where the power of a community can help, as it stimulates the use of great tools trough social learning. The Adobe eLearning Community shares a wealth of information enabling social learning through video’s, discussions and showcases. Even going beyond the use of the Adobe tools with blogs covering eLearning Wisdom shared by professionals with […]

Top 10 Benefits of Adopting Blended Training Approach

Last few years have seen a steady increase in demand for conversion of Instructor Led Training (ILT) to fully online or a blended training. In this blog, I outline what exactly is blended training approach and what are the benefits it offers to the learners and organisations. What is the blended training approach? As you can determine from the name, the blended training is the “middle of the road” approach between the fully facilitated Instructor Led Training (ILT) and self-paced, learner driven […]

How To Use Microlearning To Promote Informal Learning At The Workplace

Driven by passion and motivation, informal learning enables learners to pick the learning content they’re interested in, and learn at their own pace. In this article, I show how you can use microlearning to promote informal learning at the workplace. Informal Learning At The Workplace: How To Foster It Using Microlearning As we know, formal learning is structured, training developed, and deployed by Learning and Development (L&D) teams. It features: Fully online training (eLearning or mLearning). Facilitated training, that is, Instructor-Led Training (ILT) […]

eLearning Course Design: 7 Instructional Design Theories & Models To Consider

Knowing the foundational principles behind Instructional Design can help you create more effective eLearning experiences. Here are the top 7 Instructional Design theories & models that you should consider for your next eLearning course. If you want to be an expert in the field of Instructional Design, you need to do your research. Learning various Instructional Design theories will help you develop more meaningful eLearning courses. You’ll have a firm grasp on how the human mind absorbs, assimilates, and retains […]

Tough Choice: Breakpoints or Fluid Boxes?

Intro Captivate 2017 added a new workflow for developing responsive projects: Fluid Boxes. It doesn’t mean that the existing workflows to make projects accessible with all devices are no longer important. In this post I will try to talk about my present view on the different develoment methods. It is perfectly  possible that not everyone will agree with my point of view and I would welcome all discussions. At the same time I believe that the current work flow for those Fluid Boxes […]

6 Little-Known Rewards Of An Instructional Design Career

Considering a career in Instructional Design? Here are 6 of the lesser-known benefits of pursuing this exciting career path. You probably know that Instructional Design is a rewarding career path with a brightly projected outlook. After all, the eLearning industry is growing by leaps and bounds, as organizations begin to realize its cost-saving benefits. However, there are some hidden rewards to this career path that aren’t widely publicized. In fact, some of these lesser-known benefits keep Instructional Designers in the field for […]

What is social learning and how can you use it to foster collaborative learning

What is social learning and how can you use it to foster collaborative learning As learning professionals, most of us are familiar with the 70:20:10 Model for Learning and Development that describes how learning happens. According to this, most of us pick: 70 percent of our knowledge from our on-the job experiences 20 percent from interactions with others 10 percent from structured or formal training It is no surprise that today more and more companies are using some form of social […]

5 Instructional Design Books That Every Instructional Designer Should Read

Are you an Instructional Designer looking for inspiration? Here are 5 Instructional Design books you should add to your must-read list. Top 5 Instructional Design Books For Instructional Design Professionals The field of Instructional Design is filled with a plethora of theories and practices. Thus, educating yourself on the current thinking and foundational principles is vital to the success of your Instructional Design career. Reading up on the field is important whether you are just starting out or need to refresh […]