Anyone else having issue accessing blogs and discussions lately? I suppose if there are others they will not see this, but I can’t seem to access anything. This entire week have been an issue for me.
Adobe Captivate Prime’s AI techniques address the challenge of scale that cannot be addressed by human operators. Powerful algorithms work to deliver learning that is most relevant to individual learners, and thereby drive learner engagement.
Interactive Learning Content is far better than Lecture learning as 65% of people prefer visual learning, as per surveys.
I noticed I had accumulated 23 points and when I signed on the next day they were all gone. Today it showed a balance of 11 points at sign-on. Why can’t I like any of the discussions? It disappears immediately after I click on it. System glitch?
Introduction If this is the first time you are moving to Virtual Training or you are looking at rapid acceleration of your ILT to a virtual mode, read on! In this article, I share 24 best practices as you shift from classroom training to a remote learning mode. Background With travel restrictions and social distancing in play, Virtual Training is the most sought-after solution today for remote learning. If this is the first time you are moving to Virtual Training […]
I seem to have a technical problem with the site: when I click the round [Watch Now] button for any of the sessions, first I receive a “Welcome to Adobe eLearning Community web form to fill in (screenshot below). And after that I receive what looks like a json response from a registration server (screenshot below), but it’s not redirecting me to any page, and I still can’t watch the video for any session. I tried it from two different […]
Introduction Funding corporate L&D initiatives is a long-term investment that pays rich dividends. In this article, I share 9 blended training strategies you can use to reap this dividend by using coaching and mentoring for your high-performance employees. Background There may be several high-performance employees in any organization, awaiting “discovery” and whose potential the company might not currently be tapping. That’s a waste of highly valued human capital. With the ongoing COVID-instigated disconnect, the gulf between high performers and their […]
Hi all. If you have read my few post recently, you know I am a new user to the community. But, I am really getting into it and want to be a part of it, so this is the basis for my question. I have read a few blogs, discussions and demos from some key people on the community that I decided I wanted to follow. For some reason, when I click on the Follow button, it briefly says following […]
Now that the Adobe eLearning World 2020 online conference has concluded, I’m very interested to see what the future looks like for Adobe eLearning conferences.
What Is Virtual Training? Virtual Training shouldn’t be confused with online training or distance learning. L&D professionals deliver Virtual Training using simulated learning environments. Instructors and learners connect remotely, and training occurs using a combination of these sessions and self-paced trainings that leverage strategies, such as Simulation, Gamification, 3D, Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented VR. However, the prevailing trend to transition to Virtual Training is a journey, where the elements of training gradually shift from primarily Instructor-Led Training (ILT) to […]
Predictions for online learning have seen dramatic changes due to the current global situation. The changes of the future may not be what educators had planned for thus far.
Hi, I’m trying to get some points and increse my level in this community to obtain a free license for Adobe Captivate. At the moment I am working with the 30-day trial, and I am only studying and building my portfolio, so I can’t really afford the software. I think the levels system is a great idea, I genuinely want to contribute to this community, showcase my work, get your feedback, read and comment your blog posts, have discussions… The […]