Is text animation not possible in responsive projects in captivate 2019

I am using captivate 2019 and creating a responsive project. When I add animations to text like fly in from right or left, it plays well in inside preview but when I do project preview or slide review as whole it doesn’t work. Please suggest

Object Styles in Responsive Projects

After the first articles about Object Styles as pillars of any Theme, and the use of the Object Style Manager in general, this third article offers tips for the creation of object styles for a responsive project with Fluid Noxes, and for object styles in the Breakpoints workflow.

Where to get high-quality, low-cost photos for your eLearning projects

3 helpful resources for free or low-cost stock photos.

Where to find icons for your eLearning projects

3 resources to find free or low-cost, high-quality icons for you eLearning projects.

Publish Captivate 2019 Projects to YouTube

Hi, Can projects created in Captivate 2019 be uploaded/published directly to YouTube?

PowerPoint Presentation import into Captivate Responsive projects!

The 2019 release of Adobe Captivate supports importing of PowerPoint presentations into a Responsive project. You can import and edit Microsoft PowerPoint presentations in a Responsive project. The imported slides can be edited in a Microsoft PowerPoint environment from within Adobe Captivate. You can choose to link to the source PowerPoint presentation to keep it in sync with the Adobe Captivate project. NOTE: Importing a PowerPoint Presentation into a responsive project is only supported on Windows. To import a PowerPoint […]

Hotspots for Non-VR Projects

2 questions:  1) Would Adobe consider adding the same VR hotspot menu to the standard projects?  2) If not, can someone suggest another way to accomplish this?

Experience the 360 World in non-VR projects!!

360 slides are supported in Responsive and blank projects, as well as incorporates all the goodness of responsive projects with 360 experience. How to add 360 slide in non-VR projects? 1. Open a blank/Responsive project 2. Click on slides and choose 360 Slide. (Figure 1) Figure1 What can be achieved? (Sample project attached) Figure2 Figure 3 How to achieve the above? Slide 1 (refer to Figure 2) is a blank slide in a Responsive Project. It has four image buttons comprising […]

VR Projects – tips and tricks

First part of tips and tricks for use of 360 images/video: how to use Quiz Preferences, style overlay quiz/score slides, audio tips, workaround for test styled following the company design rules.

eLearning Livestream – Responsive Projects in Captivate 2019 | Oct 15, 12:00 EDT, 2018

In this eLearning Livestream, I will share with you my presentation from the Adobe Learning Summit, Create Your First Responsive eLearning using Adobe Captivate. This session will centre on fluid box responsive design and I will be using Adobe Captivate 2019, however much of this session will be applicable to Captivate 2017 as well. I will also share some hidden features you can use to further customize your eLearning courses.

Navigation between two Captivate projects (stop a page from reloading?)

Trying to build custom navigation between multiple captivate projects.

Captivate 2019 – PowerPoint in Responsive Projects

In this video tutorial, I show you the new ability to import PowerPoint slides into your Adobe Captivate 2019 responsive design project. I probably won’t use this feature, but I see the value in having this feature available to new Captivate users.