Round-up of Captivate events

captivate podcasts,captivate tutorial Some good Captivate podcasts and webinars have been posted on the net recently. Rick Zanotti, who’s been involved with Captivate since the Robodemo days has a very popular podcast series titled ‘Captivating’. He’s just posted two new episodes on audio import and branching menus. RJ Jacquez, our eLearning evangelist, has also posted a ‘Captivate 4- getting started with new features‘ eLearning session. This is a great tutorial on the new features in Captivate 4 with simulations that […]

Project Templates – for that 'rapid' factor in your eLearning content development

Adobe Captivate,eLearning,rapid eLearning,Templates,Placeholders One of the many good things in Adobe Captivate is the facility to create Project Templates. Project templates are really useful to create identical projects or identical modules in a project. Their “make once and reuse” aspect ensures consistency and saves development time. So what is new in Adobe Captivate 4’s project templates? PLACEHOLDERS!! Placeholders are objects which can be included on the slides in a project template. These placeholders can be converted to respective Captivate objects […]

Authoring – limited by your creativity not the tool.

adobe captivate,elearning,flash,widgets Captivate users – do you sometimes feel that we were cramping your style and limiting your creativity? In simple terms, why could not Captivate allow you: To use your creativity to define new buttons, charts, graphs and other display objects. To explore with new quizzing experience to engage different user segments. Take full advantage of the media revolution happening on YouTube/Flickr etc. and elsewhere on the net. Sure, Captivate has a great set of quizzing options, interactions and […]