February 20, 2009
Changing default captions in TOC
February 20, 2009
Changing default captions in TOC










Image 1. Default TOC


Image 1 shows the default captions in TOC that Adobe Captivate creates. Captivate allows us to change the captions in TOC so that the TOC can look like the example shown in Image 2.









Image 2. TOC with changed captions


Now let’s see how we can do it.

Well actually it is very simple. Just create a text file with the following text in it.



SlideTitle=Module Name



MoreInfo=My Info


ClearToolTip=Wipe State


NoSearch=String not found



Name this file as TOCStrings.ini and save it in the folder in which Adobe Captivate is installed. Default path where Adobe Captivate is installed is “C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Captivate 4”. Well that’s it. Now just create a new project and you will have what you want.

Now I’ll discuss some limitations of this feature

  1. This setting can be done only for the new project. You can not change those strings once the project is created.
  2. Layout of TOC is very sensitive to the length of the strings (in pixel). Although, smaller strings than the default strings are accommodated without any issues, bigger strings may not appear correctly at run time. Hence make sure that the strings do appear correctly at run time before using it for the actual project. (Skin preview might be deceptive some times, as the preview shown there is stretched to fit the available display area.)
Jan 9, 2019
Jan 9, 2019

I’d love to see an update of how to do this in 2019, and I agree I hope there is quicker way to do it that doesn’t involve change the program files.  At my organization I don’t have access rights to do that.

Sep 15, 2015
Sep 15, 2015

I just created an TOCSrting.ini file for Captive 9 and it worked flawlessly. I did not encounter “Limitation 1” listed by the original author. An exisitng CP9 project picked up the changes and published them again without issue.

Aug 29, 2015
Aug 29, 2015

Thank you very much for your contribution to the community

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