October 29, 2010
CPTX file size
October 29, 2010
CPTX file size
Staff 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Adobe Captivate customers have always been very active on the forums. It has been a great place to interact with customers, resolve their issues and learn more from them. Recently our customer Paul Thrippleton raised a CPTX file size bloating issue in forums. Thanks Paul for raising the issue. We worked on it and have found out that the issue is seen because of the audio files (.wav and .mp3 files). Although we will be surely fixing it in the next release, the good news is we have an easy workaround to overcome the problem.

Let me first explain the problem:


One of the ways to insert audio file in Captivate, is to insert it on slide and using the “Audio Split Options” dialog, spread it across another slides.


Insert an audio file on slide or directly in library. Then duplicate the audio file in library


Insert an audio file on slide or directly in library. Then “Update” the audio file in library.

In above scenarios the file size of the CPTX file increases more than normal. This issue is not noticed if the audio files are smaller in file size because then the increase in CPTX file size too will be not so noticeable.

Note: This issue happens only if you have inserted audio in Captivate and performing any of the above scenarios without editing the audio file.


We have a simple workaround to the problem.

-Once the audio is inserted into the Captivate project, go to library.

– Right click the audio file and select “Edit with Captivate”

– Make a minute modification in audio file waveform. (Delete small portion of audio) and save the changes.

Now you can apply any of the scenarios mentioned above and they will work without increasing the CPTX file size.


  1. This issue is not noticeable when audio files are of smaller sizes.
  2. This issue affects only the CPTX file size and cannot affect SWF file size.
  3. Issue is seen only if you perform above scenarios using an unedited imported audio file.
  4. This issue is only in Captivate 5 and not in any other releases of Adobe Captivate. 
2011-03-23 00:55:51
2011-03-23 00:55:51

This does not seem to resolve the issue i am seeing. I import a simple .wav file into the library. The file size listed for the .wav file is 1139 KB. Once i add the .wav file to a specific slide, the libary creates a (Clip) of the wav file with a size of 4873.50KB. The above work around simply increases the file size.

2010-11-08 12:14:56
2010-11-08 12:14:56

Thank you. This was very helpful. Hopefully this issue is resolved in an update.

2010-11-05 05:41:02
2010-11-05 05:41:02

You can find additional tips for reducing size of your files in Captivate 5 here:
Tips for Optimizing File Size in Captivate 5

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