August 31, 2012
How do I get my LMS validated with Adobe Captivate?
August 31, 2012
How do I get my LMS validated with Adobe Captivate?

SCORM and AICC compliance of Captivate has been validated for a set of LMSs. We would be happy to add more LMSs to this list.

  • If you are a Captivate user deploying courses on LMS and are interested in seeing your LMS in this list, ask your LMS vendor to get in touch with us at
  • If you are an LMS vendor and want to get your LMS added to this list, you can get started with the validation program by performing the following steps:-

1. Download the sample SCORM and AICC courses:

Download Basic package

Download Advanced package

2. Unzip the package and open TestCaseDetails.xls

3. Run the test cases listed in the excel sheet. Run all or specific test cases based on the type of SCORM support on your LMS. For example, if SCORM 2004 is not supported on your LMS then execute only SCORM 1.2 testcases on your LMS.

4. Verify all the test cases and add actual results in the excel sheet.

5. Send the report to

6. Once you complete the testing, please provide the results in the same excel sheet and create a test account for Captivate team to do a sanity test.

We will check the report and get back to you if we find any exception.  If the results are satisfactory, we will add your LMS in the list of validated LMSs.




2012-11-16 00:27:00
2012-11-16 00:27:00

The link to is broken. Goes to a “Buy Acrobat” page

2012-11-14 15:00:00
2012-11-14 15:00:00

How can I get the Sample SCORM and AICC courses ?

2012-09-29 02:54:00
2012-09-29 02:54:00

Sending to that email address results in a bounce-back…?

2012-09-01 08:42:23
2012-09-01 08:42:23

[…] See the original post here: How do I get my LMS validated with Adobe Captivate 6? […]

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