April 10, 2017
Captivate 2017: Using the Customizable closed captions feature
April 10, 2017
Captivate 2017: Using the Customizable closed captions feature
Newbie 14 posts
Followers: 7 people

Have you wanted to add closed captioning to your captivate projects to enhance audience reach or to provide options to users who cannot listen to audio files in some locations, but found that the placement of the captions interfered with design elements?

One of the new features in Captivate 10 puts control of closed captioning in the hands of content designers by providing a customization tool set.  This short tutorial will step you through using the new feature.

  1. Go to Properties >> Options for the slide containing the audio file.cc1_2
  2. Then click on the slide [Audio] button.or
  3. Click on the Closed Captioning icon in the Slide Notes The Closed Captioning window will be displayed.cc4
  4. Click on the gear icon to open the Closed Captioning window.
  5. The closed captioning for all the slides within the project can be edited from this window. See image for overview of options.cc6_7
  6. Click the [Apply] button to save slide modifications.
  7. Click the [Close] button when all modifications have been made.
Aug 21, 2019
Aug 21, 2019

If only they make the cc box moveable by the user, they’d have a nice feature.

Jun 3, 2018
Jun 3, 2018

Try going to Preferences>Defaults and unchecking the Autosize Captions box under the General section at the bottom of that screen. Not sure if it will affect the closed captions box, but it’s worth a try.

May 8, 2018
May 8, 2018

Is anyone else experience formatting issues when pasting text into the notes panel, for closed captioning? Even if I paste unformatted text, there seems to be issues with Captivate capturing html coding behind the scene. (i.e. doing a spellcheck brings up this hidden code.) It’s a nightmare to get the text to format correctly based on the CC settings in the skin editor, and now the project has all this text formatting code embedded into the slide notes (CC).

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