“Unfortunately, the boss heard about how fast it can be to crank out eLearning content and asked if you can have 60 minutes of content ready to go within a week. Yikes!”
I know this was meant to be tongue-in-cheek, but this is the sad reality now-a-days. Many managers would rather have a cheap solution rather than well executed training. I think we need to educate ourselves on how to sell the better solution.
I agree 100% Todd. Typically attendees in my Captivate classes tell me they are a development group of 1… maybe 2. New developers are often stunned when I tell them how long it is really going to take to develop a single minute of interactive eLearning. Things they hadn’t considered: ID, storyboarding, graphical treatment, tracking (LMS), etc. They are often forced to record content on-the-fly, push it out there and then, when it’s not effective, redo it.
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