Finally, after working on an eLearning project for United Airlines, and being sick…. I have created the first video in the series
“10+ Hacks with Captivate & The Creative Cloud”. This blog will help you enhance your eLearning projects, increase productivity, and speed up your workflow!
For my first hack, I suggest using Workspaces in all of your Adobe applications to speed up your workflow by saving your own customized workspace! I show you how to optimize your Adobe Photoshop workspace, and your Adobe Captivate workspace for faster productivity! The intro animation was created using After Effects and the final production edited with Adobe Premiere, both of which also have customizable workspaces! So lets dig in with a hack with Captivate and the Creative Cloud!
Check out Video #3 in the series – 10+ Hacks with Captivate & Creative Cloud | Spice up your Fonts with Adobe Typekit https://goo.gl/pyqqRB
Check out Video #2 10+ Hacks with Captivate & Creative Cloud | Captivate Draft for eLearning Storyboards https://elearning.adobe.com/?p=22049
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