April 23, 2018
Who should use the 2017 release of Adobe Captivate?
April 23, 2018
Who should use the 2017 release of Adobe Captivate?
Staff 31 posts
Followers: 141 people

Corporate training professionals, educators, instructional designers, and all types of business users with limited programming capabilities who want to create product demos, application simulations, soft skill and compliance training, and mobile learning. Also educators and trainers who are currently using PowerPoint and need to add interactivity to their training materials.

2018-09-10 23:56:53
2018-09-10 23:56:53

I want to start doing a bit of freelance course development work. My client requires that I provide course source files that are compatible with Captivate 2017. But the Adobe site keeps pushing me to Captivate 2019. Can I develop in Captivate 2019 and save the file to work in Captivate 2017? What other options do I have? Thanks. I do have the trial version of 2017 on my PC, but it’s only good for 9 more days.

2018-06-20 06:45:14
2018-06-20 06:45:14

The deployment can be an issue too

2018-06-20 06:43:54
2018-06-20 06:43:54

I am new to Captivate but I am familiar with Adobe forms. and their related functionality., additionaly pdf forms are light and you can get the feedback to agrregate from several users.

PowerPoint slides are used by teacher to present the idea ro a group of students. Not in every school pupils have computers and even if they have during teacher,# presentation they are.supposed to listen and are not allowed to have yheir laptops open. A few good teachers could take the implication that their powerpoints are not interactive very personally.
However you are right Captivatee can be used as efficently as PowerPoint during teaching and have significant advantages when it comes to individual learning and revision. You might want to see Dr Frost Maths web site and his presentations with various activities..

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