So here is my problem. I’m trying to adjust the text that appears in the Review Area of the Results page. Every time I get t0 the results page the text is aligned to the left side of the box. I would like to align the text to the center. The text character parameters seem to be lacking many options. I have tried both the properties panel and the object style manager but I don’t see where I can add any sort of alignment options. Any help would be much appreciated.
Are you talking about a responsive or a non-responsive project? Workaround could be to clear the Quiz Results Messages – you can also shrink the Review area and replace them by custom messages. Use a conditional advanced or shared action On Enter for the score slide, check the value of the quizzing system variable cpQuizInfoPassFailed and use that to show the appropriate message. I used that work flow most when wanted to show an image instead of or combined with a text message. It will also work in your use case.
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