May 30, 2018
How can I make a Background Template in Adobe Captivate 2017?
May 30, 2018
How can I make a Background Template in Adobe Captivate 2017?
Newbie 9 posts
Followers: 1 people

Dear All!

I just want to ask  how can I make a background template in Adobe Captivate 2017?

I’m a newbie in this software,  your help will be much appreciated!

Thank you!

2018-05-30 08:35:20
2018-05-30 08:35:20

Be sure, I will follow this thread to answer more questions, but didn’t want to copy/paste tons of text from those blog posts. Moreover it is impossible to include media in comments on a discussion (which is really a question, not a discussion).

2018-05-30 08:34:12
2018-05-30 08:34:12

Great, worked this time. Here is a second link about Themes:

2018-05-30 08:33:31
2018-05-30 08:33:31

I will try again (previous attempt was deleted by site) to give you two links to blog posts that could be interesting for you. Here is the first one:

2018-05-30 08:32:44
2018-05-30 08:32:44

A Captivate template is a ctpl-file and that is better not used at this moment at all, there are too many issues and limitations. What you need is a Theme. Each Captivate project is based on a theme, which has several components: Theme colors palette, Object Styles, Master slides (which is what you probably need for this question, or a Project background), skin and recording defaults.

2018-05-30 08:30:44
2018-05-30 08:30:44

For design consistency you should use a Theme in Captivate, do not use the term ‘template’ because that is another beast. Take the time to read these two blog posts, please. I’m always ready to answer more detailed questions after have mastered a little bit of the terminology of Captivate. A theme consists of several components: theme colos palette, object styles, master slides (where you could use the main master slide to add a background), skin and recording defaults. Here are the links to the blog posts:

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