May 31, 2018
Pre-release program for Adobe Captivate!
May 31, 2018
Pre-release program for Adobe Captivate!
Contact me if you have any questions with Captivate or this portal! 
Staff 16 posts
Followers: 114 people

Hello Everyone,

It’s that time of the year again! Our team is heads down working on the year’s release of Adobe Captivate.

Every year, we have passionate users from our community provide us timely feedback which helps us improve Adobe Captivate and strengthen our eLearning content creation capabilities.

Our enrollment for this year’s pre-release program starts next week. If you are interested, please leave a comment on this post and we will get back to you. Do indicate your background and areas of expertise.

If you have any questions, write to me at


2025-01-28 17:32:04
2025-01-28 17:32:04

Hi Shambu,

I’m with the City of Toronto, Canada and was in the Captivate v12.5 update today that Sharath did.
I’m interested in participating in the pre-release program.

At present my Captivate v12.5 is still crashing (since November 2024) on Slide Video or Video import. I have a support ticket in as well.

Thanks for your help,



's comment
2025-01-29 06:42:00
2025-01-29 06:42:00
's comment

Hi there

Can you please send your request for joining the pre-release to from your preferred mail ID? This email ID will be used to register you for the same. Once this is done from your end, our team will take it forward and get you added.

Shobhana Menon
Community Manager
Adobe eLearning Community

2018-08-08 15:16:51
2018-08-08 15:16:51


I don’t know if you offer pre-lease to folks who are not currently using CP, but I have used CP for 4 years (CP 8, 9, and 2017) and I am in the process of choosing an e-learning development program for my new employer. I would like them to choose CP as I am an advanced user. I would like to be able to show them what it can do.

Tanya Bowser
Product Trainer & Client On-Boarding Specialist
L2 Interactive

2018-08-01 10:57:09
2018-08-01 10:57:09


I am also interested in the pre-release programme.

I use captivate on a daily basis and have done for the past 5 years, currently using captivate 2017.

2018-07-27 22:04:27
2018-07-27 22:04:27

Hi Shambu, I am interested in the pre-release program as well.

I’m a web developer and have been developing HTML5 skins and browser tools integrated into Captivate.

2018-07-25 17:58:20
2018-07-25 17:58:20


Please grant me access to the beta test program.

Sean McGinty
eLearning Specialist
Power Design Inc

2018-07-24 16:38:23
2018-07-24 16:38:23

Hello, if you need a tester, specifically the installer of the french version and the french content, do not hesitate to contact me. If you are not testing the French version but only the English version, I can also participate in the pre-release program as I did in the past.

I am an Adobe Captivate 5.5 Expert. (since 2012 or 2013)

Carole Emard

2018-07-21 09:44:20
2018-07-21 09:44:20

We have closed pre-release program for this release, Sorry if you haven’t got the invite for this program. We will soon open for the next one much early then we have opened for this release!

Track this space, if anyone in the current prerelease drops off, will sent the invite.

2018-07-20 23:56:08
2018-07-20 23:56:08

Good Day Sir,
My name is Susan Celeste Blackwell. I am an Instructional Designer, and eLearinng Designer/Developer for the DoD. I would be honored to join the beta test program.
Please let me know whether or not there are additional requirements.
Kind regards.

2018-07-18 21:49:49
2018-07-18 21:49:49

Hi Shambu, I’m an instructional design for the continuing education department at the University of Washington in seattle. I’m a medium-level captivate user and I a m trying to convince more people to use it at my work. I would love to be able to evaluate a prerelease of the software. Thanks for reaching out! Rick Morgan

2018-07-18 13:19:32
2018-07-18 13:19:32

I would also like to be a part of the beta program

2018-07-18 03:42:02
2018-07-18 03:42:02

My name is Eric Camil, I’ve been using captivate since 5.0. I would love to work beta test and provide input on the newest version coming out. I currently do instructional design and eLearning for the DoD and for private companies. If I need to provide any other information please let me know, this sounds fantastic.

2018-07-17 14:34:03
2018-07-17 14:34:03

Hi! I’m a Biology professor interested in producing interactive courses, not only for my students. I make Powerpoint animation video classes.

2018-07-13 14:55:48
2018-07-13 14:55:48

As others have said, this is a month after the initial request, if not too late I am interested. I am in higherEd and use Captivate in building professional dev for faculty and staff. I have used Captivate for apprx 6 years.

2018-07-10 23:03:08
2018-07-10 23:03:08

I know this was posted awhile ago, but I would like to check it out. I’ve been using Captivate every day at work for the past 5 years. I’m pretty advanced, and use it for eLearning development for many top fortune 500 companies.

2018-07-10 22:41:58
2018-07-10 22:41:58

Am interested in the pre-release program, if not too late. Use eLearning, Cp integrated with TCS other Adobe apps, SCORM export facilitating LMS tracking, for exercises, learning materials focused on behavioral health, health promotion and stress reduction. Experienced BETA tester.

2018-07-10 14:10:12
2018-07-10 14:10:12

I’m interested. I’m a digital training manager working for an internal training team in a big retailer in Europe

2018-07-09 23:51:25
2018-07-09 23:51:25

Hello, I’m interested in enrolling in this year’s pre-release program. I’m a senior instructional designer working in the biotech industry. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Thanks

2018-07-09 19:24:36
2018-07-09 19:24:36

I think I’m too late, but I would like to be included in the pre-release! Thank you!

2018-07-09 15:57:24
2018-07-09 15:57:24

I am looking forward to new Captivate updates. I’d like to be included in the pre-release program. I’ve use Captivate to create online training. I have been using Captivate for about for about 5 years.

2018-07-09 11:32:44
2018-07-09 11:32:44

Looking forward to the new updates. I’d like to be included in the pre-release program. I’ve been using Captivate for about 15 years from system training to online scenario-based branching courses.

2018-07-06 10:17:45
2018-07-06 10:17:45

My wishlist 😉 :
1) to set not-integer value as score points for question slides
2) Rubustness of the import translation procedure with the inclusion of the ToC too
3) A more efficient panel for Advanced Actions.
4) Drag and Drop also for question pool in order to track the interaction in the final score

One day my dreams come true! 😉
Thank you guys!

2018-07-06 10:07:47
2018-07-06 10:07:47

Hi I am interested in the pre-release program. Please add feature like Format painter, zoom functionality same like storyline etc.

2018-07-06 10:04:53
2018-07-06 10:04:53

Hi, I am interested in Pre-release. Please add new features like Format painter (means you can format multiple objects at same time, also able to copy paste states for objects etc). Provide animation for buttons same like objects.

2018-07-05 18:08:53
2018-07-05 18:08:53

I would like to participate in the pre-release version. My concern is the editing on the timeline. It’s kludgy: sometimes grabbing parts of the timeline to drag (for example Ctrl+E) is not accurate and causes errors where you have to Ctrl+Z all the time.

Also, there is no way to expand the timeline ‘tracks’ so that they get bigger (like in Camtasia). These two things, for me, would make editing this stuff easier and a lot less of a pain.

2018-07-03 20:42:56
2018-07-03 20:42:56

Would like to be able to edit different states in the Properties pane (rollover and normal). Sorry if this posted multiple times. Also, ruler is intermittent. Sometimes the scale disappears and leaves a blank ruler.


2018-07-03 20:39:27
2018-07-03 20:39:27

Would like to edit multiple states for an object at the same time in the properties pane.

2018-07-03 20:36:46
2018-07-03 20:36:46

Please allow me to participate in the pre-release. I put Captivate through its paces (at work) and would love to make it more robust.

2018-07-03 19:59:45
2018-07-03 19:59:45

I have made suggestions long ago that were implemented into the software, so I like being a part of this. I have been using Captivate since v 3.0.

2018-07-03 19:07:25
2018-07-03 19:07:25

I am very interested – long time Captivate user, and participant in previous prerelease cycles.

2018-07-03 16:32:27
2018-07-03 16:32:27

We would like to be part of this program. We have written our own LMS for medicine that is being used to train over 12,000 physicians, and we primarily use Captivate to create the eLearning content.

2018-07-03 08:04:44
2018-07-03 08:04:44

We are a small elearning company and have been using Adobe Captivate intensively since the very start. We would love to be part of the testing community and help improve the product!

2018-07-03 08:02:24
2018-07-03 08:02:24

We are a small elearning company and our main tool has always been Captivate. We would love to be part of the testing community!

2018-07-02 21:22:13
2018-07-02 21:22:13

Please add me to the program. I’m an Instructional Designer, Developer, Graphic Designer using Captivate since 2014, and before that Flash.

2018-06-29 19:13:01
2018-06-29 19:13:01

If it’s not too late, I would love to test as well. I have been designing elearning using Captivate for the last six years and I definitely push the limits of what it can do with Advanced Actions and JavaScript. Thanks!

Dustin J.
's comment
2018-06-30 10:37:13
2018-06-30 10:37:13
Dustin J.
's comment

Hi Dustin, we have sent the invite. Please keep your profile updated –

2018-06-28 14:21:28
2018-06-28 14:21:28

I would like to test please. I’m a Instructional Designer for a brazilian company and I am always using Captivate to produce the courses we provide. I would love to test all the new versions of Captivate and give my feedback.

2018-06-27 19:24:43
2018-06-27 19:24:43

Hello, I apologize for being late to the party but I, too, would like to participate in the pre-release program. I am a designer and developer of e-learning training for over 16 years for both public and private corporations as well as various government agencies using a variety of Adobe (and other companies’) products including Captivate. Currently, I am the manager in charge of e-learning development and distribution for LG Electronics and we are currently looking to expand our curriculum to include new methods of training development and delivery and are exploring if Captivate can provide us with the necessary tools to accomplish our goals. We are currently using Captivate 9 for development and would like to continue using Captivate into the future. Thank you.

2018-06-27 17:17:59
2018-06-27 17:17:59

Hi Shambu,
I am interested if you have enough for me to participate. Although I am currently not designing full-time (Writing my proposal is my primary focus.) I still take on projects as I can. When I am not in dissertation research mode I am an instructional designer, course developer and online adjunct. In the past I have been a decision maker in online university environments and have helped to move developers into Adobe learning solutions such as Captivate.
I have also developed and will continue to develop my own courses in Captivate.
Thank you for your consideration of my request.

Shelly Gooden
's comment
2018-06-27 17:19:43
2018-06-27 17:19:43
Shelly Gooden
's comment

Hi Shelly, we have already sent the request to you. Please check your inbox.

Shelly Gooden
's comment
2018-06-27 17:24:47
2018-06-27 17:24:47
Shelly Gooden
's comment

Thank you! I got it!

Shelly Gooden
's comment
2018-06-29 15:13:25
2018-06-29 15:13:25
Shelly Gooden
's comment

Hi Shambu, I work for the British Council as an eLearning developer and project manager. I have been using Captivate 9 for the last 2 years to develop training materials for internal staff. We are now looking to expand our team as well as the training materials we produce. We have been reviewing a number of different eLearning applications to help us do this and I would really like to be involved in the testing of any new version of Captivate as this is the tool we primarily use.

Best wishes,


2018-06-27 13:13:34
2018-06-27 13:13:34

I would be interested in taking part in the pre-release programme.

Have been involved for the past 3 years in instructional design, having developed a serious game scenario engine (for rapid creation of serious games), I also use Captivate for the development e-learning based courses.

My background in training and previously in IT & marketing should allow me to provide some interesting insights. A few initial ideas to improve Captivate 2017:

– When objects are selected in the timeline, allow for mouse right-click showing a menu with Cut, Copy, Duplicate, Group… options
– Allow for multiple objects to overlap in fluid boxes (at different parts of the timeline)
– Allow for line shapes to be connected to other shapes and to resize with them in fluid boxes when resolution changes
– Allow for grouped objects to resize the same way as simple objects do (currently grouped objects don’t resize, they move off-screen – means any actions on a multi-shape object such as hiding it requires hiding each individual component)
– Make Learning Interactions HTML instead of Flash (SWF)
– Provide a tool to allow users to create their own Learning Interactions (as templates) or as an alternative, allow Powerpoint SmartArt to be imported and its parts edited within Captivate

2018-06-26 16:39:31
2018-06-26 16:39:31

Please include me in the Adobe Captivate Pre-Release program. I have utilized Captivate for 6+ years to develop training (demo & interactive) for our health care system’s EMR & other clinician apps & tools. We post the training frequently to HealthStream, our organization’s LMS.

2018-06-26 15:58:28
2018-06-26 15:58:28

Please include me. I am very interested in the pre-release program. I am a 7+ year Captivate user specializing in large scale training solutions blending in 3D animations using 3D Studio Max and would love to see what the new release can do so i can push our training further.

2018-06-26 15:38:06
2018-06-26 15:38:06

I would like to be included in the program. Thank you.

2018-06-26 06:34:45
2018-06-26 06:34:45

Hello, I would like to part of your pre-release! I run a writing center in China and we need to create materials for both students and tutors. I last worked with Captivate 7 (I bought it myself to use at work, now there’s dedication!), and now in a new job where I need to get back into it again. Thank you!

2018-06-26 05:42:14
2018-06-26 05:42:14

I would be interested. I am an instructional designer for a non-profit educational company and have used Captivate for over 20 years, since it was still owned by Macromedia 🙂

2018-06-26 02:23:01
2018-06-26 02:23:01

Hi, I love to try out the pre-release.

Thank you!

2018-06-25 19:29:50
2018-06-25 19:29:50

Hello, I’m very interested in being part of the new Captivate pre-release program. I’m a HUGE Captivate LOVER! I’ve been using CP since V2! I’ve been working in Higher Ed for 26 years, and 21 of those years I’ve been working directly with all things eLearning related. At the moment, I’m our college’s eLearning lead for all projects related to interactive learning.

Here is a sample of how I’ve used Captivate over the years:

+Produced projects, at one time or another, that have used every feature of Captivate (mean all built-in features and etc.).

+Produced projects on a regular bases that are served on Blackboard LMS.

+Recently produced what I call “smart” SORM packaged files that allow highly interactive content to still be accessed for review/study purposes while locking down any graded assessment as part of a SCORM package. This allows ROI on a single interactive leaning object to be used for both graded & non-graded purposes.

+Interactive video projects – where the learner is controlling/interactive with video along their learning path. Both liner and multi-path stuff…

+ Developed preprogrammed CP templates that allow our ID1s to rapidly create packaged interactive Learning Objects/modules in around 20 mins – vs. needing 3+ hours of development time to do all the layout, logic, remediation setup, and etc. from scratch. (These templates also allow non Captivate trained people such as our faculty to create interactive projects without having to become an expert with Captivate.)

+++ A few of the features I’ve designed to automated CP development
or make CP do things it’s not suppose do are:

+ Custom grading that records scores across multiple types of
activities in one CP project – drag-and-drop, QA Quizzing,
custom learning scenarios, etc. (all interactions are
chosen/activated up on dev.)

+ Drag-and-drop activities that actually produce grades based on
what learners actually did instead of how Captivate comes shipped
– learners can only get 100% or 0%! Now if users get 3 drops
correct their score will be 3 points.

+ Created a robust question slide that I call Check Box Question
(CBQs) which can be used in place of standard Multiple
Choice/Answer slide. What’s unique about this slide is that it allows
developers to create sophisticated question slide without needing
to setup any kind of advanced actions or the like. What’s neat
about this question setup, is that anything can be moved,
duplicated, etc. and – it will always work! This tool has allowed
non-programmer/logic type developers to create some newly
creative effective interactive questions since the fear of setting up
advanced actions and the like are now no longer an issue.

CBQ can do all of the following and more:

* Ability to have general feedback or custom feedback (by
individual answer) on the fly. Feedback can take any form
from text, images or even audio – all managed for the developer
automatically without needing to setup advanced actions to
show/hide/setup and etc.

* Can be set to either show or hide next button until
a correct answer has been found.

* Can be set to lock after a specific answer or number of
answers have been attempted. Locked answer means that
users now can only view question in its sate but cannot change
their answer.

* Just like Captivate’s built-in quiz review, so can you keep
answered questions in their states so that learners can reviewed

* Have the ability to reset all CBQ so that users can practice again,
or individual CBQs can be reset – allowing for the possibility of
a more dynamic multithread leaning path.

* Beauty of all this is that a developer only has to enter in all
question related texts, feedback texts, and updated a line like
this to make all that happen automatically with out one second
of actual development time – CBQgo(‘a’,0,0,’hide) – Only about 2
mins to setup if you are a slow typer. 🙂

* CBQs work across all devices and in iBooks as well.

+ Developed an on the fly PDF document creator allowing learners
the possibly to get real-time downloadable/printable documents
that are generated directly from CP data client side. These PDFs
can generate custom study guides based on the learners actual
interaction no matter if it’s an ole boring Q&A, drag-and-drop, or
etc. Yes the PDF’s are generated across all devices – even inside of
an iBook.

+ I do use HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, and etc. alongside Captivate.

+I’m also very smitten with AI and creating adaptive “smart” interactive learning projects. I’m also dabbling with using AR, GPS, voice, and etc. as other means of making CP projects become a bit more interactive – hoping to get more time this winter to do exploratory development.

+ I enjoy developing and PUSHING Captivate to its limits. I’m very passionate about eLearning and VERY passionate about creating eLearning with CP as I think its the best eLearning tool on the planet.

Hoping that Adobe fixed the new version of Captivate to work in iBooks – I develop a lot of projects that go into iBooks and I’m stuck having to using CP Version 9 for any iBook related widget development! My coworker and I have sent several inquiring message about this to Adobe – we really HOPE to be able to use newer versions of CP to develop for iBooks! CP is an awesome tool to make iBook widgets!

Yikes, man I did make a long post….opps – well what can I say – Love Adobe Captivate…

Hope this message finds everyone doing well,

's comment
2018-06-26 03:55:35
2018-06-26 03:55:35
's comment

Thanks for the details. Will send the invite!

2018-06-25 16:12:11
2018-06-25 16:12:11

Hi Shambu.
I am very interested to try out the pre-release. My company is located in Switzerland and we offer e-learning services and consultation and lead our own courses for further Swiss education.

My clients are Swiss schools and some industrial and pharmaceutical companies located here in Switzerland.

's comment
2018-06-26 03:49:33
2018-06-26 03:49:33
's comment

Thanks for showing the interest. We will send out the invite!

's comment
2018-06-26 03:50:04
2018-06-26 03:50:04
's comment

Please keep your profile updated –

Shambu Nashi
's comment
2018-06-26 21:34:03
2018-06-26 21:34:03
Shambu Nashi
's comment

Done. 🙂

2018-06-25 00:53:18
2018-06-25 00:53:18

I am interested in testing the new version out, I am an instructional designer and have been using Captivate for some time in a range of designs from vanilla to my current challenge – interactive video.

2018-06-24 16:03:35
2018-06-24 16:03:35

I’m interested in being a beta tester. I am an advanced Captivate designer and I integrate Php, MySQL and JavaScript with Captivate creating unique E-Learning Solutions.

2018-06-23 18:03:49
2018-06-23 18:03:49

I am an instructional designer and will be using Captivate as an authoring tool.

Cathy Zhou
's comment
2018-06-26 04:13:34
2018-06-26 04:13:34
Cathy Zhou
's comment

Hi Cathy, will send the invite!

2018-06-23 00:11:28
2018-06-23 00:11:28

Hi! I am an instructional designer for a large federal healthcare agency. I use Captivate 2017. I would like to participate in this pre-release.

2018-06-22 16:31:02
2018-06-22 16:31:02

I have several ideas to contribute, I hope to be able to help further with the advancement of this fantastic e-Learning technology.

2018-06-22 15:03:32
2018-06-22 15:03:32

I am interested. As an independent eLearning provider, from time to time I have customers who still use Captivate as their preferred elearning tool.

2018-06-22 14:31:58
2018-06-22 14:31:58

We have opened up the pre-release & sent the invite. If you haven’t got it, let me know!

Shambu Nashi
's comment
2018-06-24 19:56:51
2018-06-24 19:56:51
Shambu Nashi
's comment

Hi Shambu. I sent an email, and am following up with this post. I am an ACP and certified instructor since version 1 of RoboDemo. I am working with the Adobe RoboHelp team on its new release and would like to participate in Adobe Captivate “Next”. Thanks!

2018-06-22 02:50:51
2018-06-22 02:50:51

I am very interested in having this access. Thanks.

2018-06-21 20:52:56
2018-06-21 20:52:56

Definitely interested in taking a look at the pre-release. My department has 4 copies of Captivate 2017 and we are always looking for ways to enhance the learning we develop for our students.

2018-06-21 19:23:52
2018-06-21 19:23:52

I’d be interested in taking part in the Pre-Release Program. I am an eLearning developer for inhouse training with three years Captivate Experience. Before that I have worked as an IT Analyst.

2018-06-21 16:08:50
2018-06-21 16:08:50

I’d like to be included. I have used Captivate for years and use it most everyday in my work as an instructional designer.

2018-06-21 13:58:02
2018-06-21 13:58:02

Shambu, I have been a Captivate user since version 1. I utilize Captivate to create simulations, games and interactive learning modules. I would be very interested in being a part of Adobe’s pre-release program.

2018-06-20 20:36:47
2018-06-20 20:36:47

I’m interested in being part of the Adobe Captivate pre-release. I am new to Captivate.

2018-06-20 16:05:02
2018-06-20 16:05:02

I’m interested in being involved with the pre-release of captivate. I’m an intermediate user with a focus on software simulation.

2018-06-20 09:30:42
2018-06-20 09:30:42

Hello Shambu, I am interested to be a part of Adobe pre-release. Please add me to the list! Thanks a lot!

2018-06-20 06:26:26
2018-06-20 06:26:26

I am very new to Captivate but you might benefit opinion on usability of new version by new users and available features….

2018-06-19 20:48:23
2018-06-19 20:48:23

Hello! I am interested in the pre-release. I have been a certified instructor for Captivate since it was introduced as RoboDemo by Macromedia in 2004. I’d love to be involved with the prerelease of this product.

Sean Gallagher

2018-06-19 19:55:34
2018-06-19 19:55:34

Thanks Shambu, please add me to your list; it would be great to be involved. Have been using captivate since version 4.

's comment
2018-06-19 20:01:29
2018-06-19 20:01:29
's comment

Thanks for showing interest. Please update you profile page to understand your background & expertise!

Shambu Nashi
's comment
2018-06-19 20:15:57
2018-06-19 20:15:57
Shambu Nashi
's comment

Update complete. Thanks for getting back so quickly.

's comment
2018-06-19 20:17:27
2018-06-19 20:17:27
's comment

Thanks! Will send the invite!

Shambu Nashi
's comment
2018-06-19 20:31:01
2018-06-19 20:31:01
Shambu Nashi
's comment

Good man. Looking forward to it.

2018-06-19 19:40:47
2018-06-19 19:40:47

I would like to participate in this pre-release program. I’ve been building large-scale eLearnings with Captivate since 2013 for a U.S. hospital. (Decades ago, I was involved in beta cycles for Macromedia [Adobe] Director.)

's comment
2018-06-19 20:02:21
2018-06-19 20:02:21
's comment

Thats good to hear! Please keep your profile page updated!

2018-06-19 16:44:14
2018-06-19 16:44:14

Hell Shambu. I am interested in your 360 capabilities and the ability to embed quiz questions directly to videos imported into Captivate. I would like to test the beta version of the new Captivate release. Thank you!

2018-06-19 15:14:46
2018-06-19 15:14:46

I’m interested in the pre-release, to test out the 360 capabilities.

Dimitri Roman
's comment
2018-06-19 20:06:16
2018-06-19 20:06:16
Dimitri Roman
's comment

Hi Dimitri, Thanks for showing the interest. Will send the invite!

2018-06-18 23:04:45
2018-06-18 23:04:45

We would be very interested in participating. CWB has over 300 courses with more being developed for the professionals in the welding and metal fabricating industry. From high school to engineering level, in English, French and Italian.

2018-06-18 20:28:00
2018-06-18 20:28:00

Hi Shambu
I would welcome the opportunity to be involved in the pre-release program. I have created many successful e-learning courses over the years for a leading government charity here in the United Kingdom, plus working with leading industrial clients such as a multinational manufacturer and marketer of chemical products.
Have worked with Captivate since version 7.

2018-06-18 18:52:14
2018-06-18 18:52:14

I am very interested and have been a user for over 10 years so I’m excited at this opportunity.

Steve Jackson

2018-06-18 15:55:59
2018-06-18 15:55:59

I as well would be very interested. Adobe Certified Expert, Adobe Certified Instructor, Certified Technical Trainer, Developer of elearning and mlearning – Trainer and Developer using Captivate since Version 2. Tester for various Adobe software.

David Burnham HBA
's comment
2018-06-18 17:14:18
2018-06-18 17:14:18
David Burnham HBA
's comment

Hi David, Will share the invite! Thanks!

2018-06-18 14:45:40
2018-06-18 14:45:40

Please consider me “IN.”
Larry McIntyre
Senior Instructional Designer/Developer

2018-06-18 14:23:27
2018-06-18 14:23:27

Hi Shambu,

I am interested in this programme. I’ve been using Captivate from Version 3 and am now leading an ID team. We are always looking to take the next leap forward.

2018-06-18 13:30:04
2018-06-18 13:30:04


We have been involved in many pre-releases with Captivate but somehow got dropped for the 2017 pre-release. We would greatly appreciate being re-added to the program. We have taken part in pre-lease activities since Captivate 3.0.

2018-06-17 18:55:14
2018-06-17 18:55:14

Shambu, I would love to be part of this. Please count me in.


Christian Lee
's comment
2018-06-18 17:14:44
2018-06-18 17:14:44
Christian Lee
's comment

Hi Christian, Will send the invite.

2018-06-17 13:41:33
2018-06-17 13:41:33

Would want to be included.

's comment
2018-06-18 17:15:15
2018-06-18 17:15:15
's comment

Hi Richard, Please keep your profile page updated.

2018-06-17 13:32:08
2018-06-17 13:32:08

Hi! I’m an Instructional Designer for The Walt Disney Company. Advanced experience with Captivate and the competition.

2018-06-17 04:52:15
2018-06-17 04:52:15

Hi Shambu! Please add me to the list thank you! I am the manager of our Instructional Technology/Multimedia team and we are currently using Cap 2017 now. Thanks!

2018-06-16 19:58:31
2018-06-16 19:58:31

We plan on greatly expanding our use of Captivate in 2018 so yes please!

2018-06-16 15:07:18
2018-06-16 15:07:18

Yes, of course, count me in.

2018-06-16 04:19:38
2018-06-16 04:19:38

Shambu, am I still in the prerelease from last time?

Paul Wilson
's comment
2018-06-16 07:34:34
2018-06-16 07:34:34
Paul Wilson
's comment

Ofcourse, will send the invite!
Building new list of passionate captivate users for this years prerelease program, last prerelease program is deleted.

2018-06-16 01:06:49
2018-06-16 01:06:49

I am very interested. I have been working with Captivate for over 7 years and received the Adobe Captivate Specialist Certification. In addition, I have become quite proficient in creating 508 compliant courses. Our team creates both responsive and non-responsive courses.

's comment
2018-06-16 07:39:01
2018-06-16 07:39:01
's comment

Thanks Alice for details! Will revert back.

2018-06-15 15:59:35
2018-06-15 15:59:35

I’m interested as well. I’ve been working with e-learning software since 2003, including Adobe Captivate, Lectora, and Storyline. Currently, I use Captivate as my primary developing tool, and would consider myself an advanced user.

's comment
2018-06-16 07:43:08
2018-06-16 07:43:08
's comment

Thanks for the details! Please keep your profile updated –

2018-06-15 12:10:23
2018-06-15 12:10:23

Hi Shambu, I am interested; I have the adobe captivate specialist certification and have been a casual user for a couple of years.

Lita Bledsoe
's comment
2018-06-15 12:11:24
2018-06-15 12:11:24
Lita Bledsoe
's comment

I work in k-12 education industry and teacher/student/parent training.

Lita Bledsoe
's comment
2018-06-15 12:12:48
2018-06-15 12:12:48
Lita Bledsoe
's comment

Thanks Lita for sharing details. Will revert back.

2018-06-15 12:03:43
2018-06-15 12:03:43

I am very interested!

Adam is an experienced Corporate Trainer with a demonstrated history of working in the pharmaceuticals industry. He is a strong learning and development professional skilled in Adobe Captivate, Moodle, Budget Tracking, Microsoft Office, SharePoint, Camtasia, and many others. The vast majority of his work revolves around eLearning instructional design and development.

Adam Beardslee
's comment
2018-06-15 12:14:06
2018-06-15 12:14:06
Adam Beardslee
's comment

Hi Adam, Thanks for showing interest. Will revert back.

2018-06-15 05:58:21
2018-06-15 05:58:21

we are interested ,
We create e learning content for ERP training .

's comment
2018-06-15 12:15:04
2018-06-15 12:15:04
's comment

Hi James, Thanks for showing interest. Can you please update your profile page –

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