To start this off; Animations in my non-responsive captivate project do not seem to play correctly when publishing my project with only the HTML5 format. What I see when I create the animation and preview it inside captivate is completely different from how it appears when viewing the published version. Even things as simple as moving an svg from right to left a short distance over a 1.6 second period doesn’t look right.
When viewed in Captivate the transition is smooth and the movement looks really nice. But when viewing it in my published version it is a quick and snappy movement and is kind of distracting to the user because it makes you have a moment where you are trying to figure out what just happened because it was so quick. The effect time is set to last for 1.6 second which is obviously not a very long time to begin but it’s like it misses the first part of the movement effect and skips into the middle or further and then finishes.
Again when viewing this in Captivate before publishing it looks great. After publishing it looks terrible and it happens with pretty much any animation with movement. What is up here? Anyone have any insight to this?
Here is the timeline with the animation I was talking about above. Project is definitely published as only HTML5 as its a requirement for this project. I have viewed the published content both locally and hosted on an LMS and either way things never look right.
Other issues I have noticed in both local/LMS versions:
The timing seems off all the time. I will position an svg/shape/caption whatever in the timeline to appear/fade in right when something is said in the audio and it looks great in Captivate. But when I publish the content the timing is off. Almost everything seems to come in later than when I set it to which ruins the user experience.
Svg files basically never don’t fade in when they are set to do so. They just appear.
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