June 11, 2018
Using Multi-State Objects to create an eLearning Course with 2 languages
June 11, 2018
Using Multi-State Objects to create an eLearning Course with 2 languages
I'm the IT guy for a software company in Kingston, TN but the scope of my job extends into eLearning Development and Customer Service. I've been working with Adobe Captivate since 2016. I love solving problems myself and other users encounter in Captivate and pushing the software to "find out what it can do". I'm currently working on my Master's Degree in Information Technology Management.
Newbie 13 posts
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Have you ever worked on an eLearning project that required two languages? When you encounter this issue you have a few options, you can always build two eLearning Courses, one in each language, or you can try to include both languages in a single project. I typically choose the later approach, but depending on the course requirements I may approach the secondary/alternate language implementation in different ways. In this video I’m going to demonstrate how I build an eLearning course with two languages where the user chooses their language at the beginning of the course and their choice persists through the course.

2019-01-08 20:14:54
2019-01-08 20:14:54

I lost you on marker 14.25 …. I do not know how I was suppose to assign parameter Page_2 when there was no instructions for setting it up.  I have no Page-2 to assign.

2019-01-08 18:53:01
2019-01-08 18:53:01

I was able to follow your tutorial up until I needed to add a shared Action for the final content slide (parameter value Page_2 – next to Text-to_translate). I never saw where you created a Page_2 (near video marker 14:25).

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