Knowing a Personality Type and learning style allows you to determine the strength and weaknesses in ones experiential learning cycle. The Kolb Learning Cycle starts with Concrete Experience CE (learn by example), Reflective Observations RO, Abstract Conceptualization AC, Active Experimentation AE.
Today Kolb features 9 learning styles. You can use the The Kolb Learning Style Inventory 4.0 to find your preferred style.
You can even dig deeper with personality type, as we are a product of both nature and nurture. Luckely we are not limited to only our genetic inheritance, creating an opportunity to develop your own unique person. Preferences emerge from latent patterning in our brain that leads to preferred characteristics that begin very subtly but are reinforced and grow stronger through daily use.
What do you prefer:
- Are you outwardly (Extraversion) or inwardly (Introversion) focused?
- How do you perceive, take in information, relying on facts (Senses) or the possibilities (Intuition)?
- How do you prefer to judge, make decisions, using your brain (Thinking) or your heart (Feeling)?
- How do you prefer to live your outer life, strict (Judging) or indecisive (Perceiving)?
Different people naturally prefer a certain learning style, a learners motiviation will thus depend on its personality . Use this link to determine your own four letter personality profile. In the chart above find your four letter profile that will be located in one of the four quadrants. If your profile is in the Blue quadrant then you prefer using front left brain activity with abstract conceptualizition. It will also help to find your bartle type:
In your eLearning it shows of great value to offer a wide range of modalities on how the learner can learn.
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Hi Todd,
In my blog I like to connect different theories and this means loads of research reading:
Just some of the theories that are part of this blog
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