User gets on SlideQuiz1 and has to answer a question (choose an answer). After he makes his choice an individual feedback message appears commenting on his choice and the ‘Next’ button appears.
I made this by creating a conditional action for each answer in the advanced answer option : If cpQuizInfoAnswerChoice=1 show message = 1 AND unmask NextButton;
If cpQuizInfoAnswerChoice=2 show message = 2 AND unmask NextButton;
IF cpQuizInfoAnswerChoice=3 show message = 3 AND unmask NextButton
Clicking on ‘Next’ should bring the User to a slide depending on his choice during the quiz. (There are 3 branches of further slides depending on these 3 answers). I made this buy creating an advanced conditional action when Next button is clicked :
If cpQuizInfoAnswerChoice=1 GoToSlide X; and the same for cpQuizInfoAnswerChoice=2 and cpQuizInfoAnswerChoice=3;
This works just fine. The issue comes when the user decides to come back to this Quiz slide. He cannot re-take the quiz which is how it should be, but he can simply navigate back to this slide. The problem is that after revisiting the Quiz slide the ‘Next’ button no longer works.
The same problem is for the ‘Back’ button on a NewSlide that goes after the slide X. e.g. QuizSlide -> Slide X -> NewSlide. On this new slide the ‘Back’ button should “know” where to go back, what slideX out of 3 possible was chosen based on the quiz result.
I do not see how to make this work. Here is a scheme to sum up
Have someone encountered similar needs ?
For such a complicated setup I would prefer to create custom quiz slides instead of using default type of quiz slides. Reason is that tweaking those quiz slides is rather delicate. I don’t know which version you are using, nor why you included ‘micro-navigation’ (term invented by me, look at my blog posts) which is certainly not used in this case.
Quiz slides are not designed to have Next buttons at all, except during Review where you have dedicated Review navigation buttons. I wait first for your answer concerning the version number (full number please!).