July 19, 2018
Project and Captivate crashes at 50% on mobile device preview
July 19, 2018
Project and Captivate crashes at 50% on mobile device preview
Newbie 1 posts
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I have a responsive project file. Only on mobile device preview (galaxy s6, iphone, pixel, except ipad and desktop), the project and Captivate crashes at 50% during compiling asset progress bar and the error window appears. If I start with desktop preview and then drag the width resolution to 360, it runs fine.

I follow some suggested steps here: Project Crashes on Mobile Device Preview https://elearning.adobe.com/discussion/2220734/

I hide some slides and find that it starts crashing after showing slide 9 and on. If I only show slide 1 – 8, the mobile device preview (on galaxy s6, which is the smallest resolution), preview runs fine. This project does have two videos.

Nothing glares out to me in this slide 9 that would cause a crash? Is it because of file size so I have to break them out to two project files? I have included the zip file. TravelBasicsforNISTEmployeesPart1

If this project crashes on mobile device preview, would the project also crash when launched from a mobile device like galaxy s6 usually?

I would appreciate your input / thoughts on this issue.

Thank you very much for your help.


Lieve, I can’t reply to your comment. The post stated “Sorry, comments on this item are not allowed”. So I reply here in the post “I use Adobe Captivate 2017 (64 Bit) and I use fluid boxes.”

2018-07-20 17:57:27
2018-07-20 17:57:27

Hi Lieve,
I only hide slide 9, click save, then preview/publish the project in galaxy s6 and it crashes too at 50%. The only way that I can find now to successfully preview/publish the project in galaxy s6 is to hide slide 9 and on.
So I have a feeling, it may be due to file size. There are 2 chapters in the file. But I cannot split the project into two files also because slide 9 is still part of chapter 1. So the workaround for now is to not have these watched in anything smaller than an ipad.
Thank you.
Regards, Judith

2018-07-20 14:32:57
2018-07-20 14:32:57

Your comment was published fine….
Can you try to hide slide 9 and publish? It is possible that slide 9 had something that is corrupted or incompatible?

2018-07-20 13:47:44
2018-07-20 13:47:44

Hi Lieve, I use Adobe Captivate 2017 (64 Bit) and I use fluid boxes.
Regards, Judith

2018-07-19 17:12:16
2018-07-19 17:12:16

Which version was used, and if it is CP2017, which workflow: Fluid Boxes or Breakpoints?

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