I opened a responsive project and wanted to create a sort of ‘thing-link’ that will basically allow the viewer to hover over an item in a single slide-image and receive either a link to another page, action to move on to another slide, text description, or audio. I thought rollover objects would be the best way to do this, but for some reason they are greyed out from my list of options. Any idea why? I thought of also using a widget, but those are specific buttons that aren’t already included in my image.
Thanks for any help.
For HTML output none of the rollover objects are supported, even for non-responsive projects (although the rollover image/caption may work in desktop browsers). Rollover is an event that doesn’t exist on a mobile device, since you don’t have a mouse. You need to replace it by a tap event. Look at Project, HTML tracker for a non-responsive project.
I don’t understand your remark about a widget (SWF output only) but maybe you meant a Learning Interaction? AFAIK there is no Learning Interaction for your use case.
The only automatically appearing texts are the feedback messages you see in Quiz slides, and which can be included with interactive objects. (Hint, Failure, Correct). You can eventually use a shape as button, and add items to the InBuilt Rollover state. Planned a blog post about States, which are much underused although they are already around since a couple of years.
I don’t know if you read my answer at all? Officially rollovers are not supported for HTML output. For a non-responsive project you can use them, because they’ll be functional when the user has a mouse, is on a laptop or desktop. It will never be functional on mobile devices. That is the reason it is not even allowed in Fluid Boxes workflows.
I have written a blog post, as follow up for this question, where you find a way to mimic a rollover in a fluid boxes project, but again, only for mouse users.
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