August 18, 2018
Short answer in a responsive project
August 18, 2018
Short answer in a responsive project
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

I have created a series of short answer slides in a responsive project.  When I run the Scorm Preview, and I type in answers to the questions, nothing appears.  The system acknowledges the typing though and tells me if the answer is correct or not, even though the answer is not shown on the screen.

What setting am I missing here?

2018-08-21 20:31:20
2018-08-21 20:31:20

Hi Lieve


I solved it….new users error…I forgot to set the colour for the answers, so all answers were defaulting to white

Is there a way to do a master slide for a quiz so that each slide does not need to be formatted individually for behaviour?


's comment
2018-08-21 20:37:36
2018-08-21 20:37:36
's comment

You are using a theme, don’t know which one because normally the object styles in all included themes are set up in such a way that you would never have white on white. This means you have changed styles.

A theme consists of a Theme Color Palette, all Object Styles, Master slides, SKin and Reconrding defaults.

Look at the quizzing master slides (I gave you a link, don’t think you have read that blog post yet). They show how the quiz slides will look. I suspect you have edited some styles, and overridden the original object styles. You will have to reset them. Go into the Object Style Manager (under Project menu) and look for the style you have to change to athe proper color). It will be  default style.

If you have overridden the default styles, you will see a + sign nest to the style name. Then you hare indeed big problems because there is no way to reset all back at once to the default style.

Try applying another theme.

2018-08-21 19:54:31
2018-08-21 19:54:31

Hi Lieve

This is my first time working with Captivate, so 2017 is my only version.  I did not delete any imbedded onjects.

The same thing is happening with all of the question types when I run preview.





's comment
2018-08-21 20:11:52
2018-08-21 20:11:52
's comment

Here is a tip: try first to master Captivate in a non-responsive project before switching to responsive projects.

Something must be wrong with the setup, difficult to guess. The fluid boxes in the quizzing master slides are set up correctly in all the included themes with Captivate. I explored them in a blog post:

2018-08-18 07:59:55
2018-08-18 07:59:55

Which workflow did you use for the responsive project: Fluid Boxes or Breakpoint views? Is the theme you use created in your present version of Captivate? That is important because all quiz slides are based on a quizzing master slide which should be tested in this version of Captivate. Did you delete any embedded object on the quiz slide? An embedded object is an object without an individual timeline, which has a lot of functionality built in. You should never delete such an object if you cannot uncheck it in the properties.

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