I have loaded my folder on a SharePoint site and when I open up the index file it just spins, I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I published the file first as a swf and Html, then just and html file and I’m getting the same results. In SharePoint I used library open in Explorer and to move the entire folder, the only files that didn’t transfer were some image files with a .json extension.
I encountered the same issue as you. If you haven’t solved it, or for those others who stumble upon this, this is the solution I employ before uploading to SharePoint:
Open the index.html and change the references of the .json files to .txt
(i.e. CHANGE
var imagesJSONFiles = [‘dr/imgd.json]
var imagesJSONFiles = [‘dr/imgd.txt].
Depending on the size and assets of your video, there may be multiple instances.
In the .\dr folder, change all the files’ extensions from .json to .txt.
img1.json TO img1.txt
imgmd.json TO imgmd.txt
Open the newly renamed imgmd.txt file and change all .json extensions to .txt. I use Notepad++ for the clean formatting and the easy Search & Replace. There probably will be a lot requiring change, so a Search and Replace is the most efficient method.
Upload as you did before.
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