October 2, 2018
Back Buttons Not Working
October 2, 2018
Back Buttons Not Working
Newbie 4 posts
Followers: 0 people

Having problems with my back buttons. Either they don’t work, or they jump to the next slide.

I’ve input the criteria:

  1. Back buttons
  2. Transparent
  3. Go to previous slide
  4. Timing 3 Timing/0 appear after/1.5 pause after
  5. There are no click boxes covering the button

Note:  I have lots of other slides that work perfectly well.  I’ve cross referenced the properties / timing/ style/ ect to ensure that everything is the same.  I’ve actually deleted the malfunctioning ones and reinserted them again, but to know avail.

Please help!

1 Comment
2018-10-03 10:42:03
2018-10-03 10:42:03

Could it be that you accidentally assigned your ‘Go to the previous slide’ action as ‘Last Attempt’ action rather than ‘On Success’ action? Success action defaults to ‘Go to the next slide’. That would explain why it navigates forward instead of backwards.

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