The Adobe Captivate tutorials are awesome! I worked through each tutorial from creating my first project through adding learning interactions, quizzes, videos, etc. These tutorials helped me learn Adobe Captivate workflows quickly and I was able to create my elearning course to present to a prospective employer in just a few weeks. The prospective employer was impressed and I am still getting positive feedback about the course I created. Thank you for great learning tools. I will continue to utilize the tutorials and other vast learning resources available from Adobe Captivate.
Links to Create your first Captivate project eLearning community has been essential in helping me to learn and continue to develop my use of Captivate.
Hello John
Here is the link to the tutorial for Creating Your First Captivate Project
I also used the tutorials Lieve mentioned in her response. The elearning community has been essential in helping me to learn and develop my use of Captivate.
Thank you for this tutorial, which is a relief amongst the many complaints. If you ever want to use more advanced functionality for Captivate, you can have a look at my blog:
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