November 14, 2018
Sample course for Adobe Captivate eLearning Community
November 14, 2018
Sample course for Adobe Captivate eLearning Community
An educator with over 25 years of  experience in  teaching, leadership, experiential learning, pedagogy skills, eLearning instructional design and training for information technology and health professions programs.
Newbie 4 posts
Followers: 7 people

Sample course for Adobe Captivate eLearning Community

2018-11-15 13:51:28
2018-11-15 13:51:28

Thank you. I am new to this. I will add.

Dorothy Bouldrick
's comment
2018-11-15 13:52:21
2018-11-15 13:52:21
Dorothy Bouldrick
's comment

Great! Welcome to the eLearning Community, and all your contributions.

2018-11-15 09:54:52
2018-11-15 09:54:52

Thank you for the response. I am designing this course to bring awareness to HIPAA violations on social media by healthcare professionals and its consequences to deter health professionals from sharing patient info on social media.

Dorothy Bouldrick
's comment
2018-11-15 11:50:51
2018-11-15 11:50:51
Dorothy Bouldrick
's comment

I have watched the course, but wanted to explain that it would be great if you added some Captivate tips for users wanting to learn from your course. That is what I try to do when I post a showcase.

2018-11-15 09:05:56
2018-11-15 09:05:56

Thanks for posting a sample course. Why not add some explanation? Or is it just meant as a warning for people about social media?

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