I have a simple question. I am working a responsive design project. I have a slide with three bullets on it but no Fluid Boxes. If I grab a bullet with my mouse and move it up or down for placement, it automatically goes into a fluid box and disappears from view. I did not add the fluid box. It just happens. I can only move the text box using the up and down arrows on the keyboard. The same thing happens with an image I have on the slide.
Is this supposed to happen or is it a Captivate glitch? I can’t imagine any reason why it is supposed to happen though.
Thank you for your help.
Are you sure there are no fluid boxes on that slide? If you use one of the packaged themes, all master slides with the exception of the Blank slides do have fluid boxes.
Why do you want to create a responsive project if you don’t want the objects to be in fluid boxes, that is very strange?
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