January 9, 2019
Issues uploading a Captivate file to my LMS
January 9, 2019
Issues uploading a Captivate file to my LMS
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Good afternoon,

I am having issues uploading Captivate files to my LMS. My LMS support has looked into this and discovered when they opened the zipped file, in the Assets folder, there is a sub folder, Playbar. In this folder their is a file called playbarStyle.css that is empty. It has Zero Bytes. The LMS is unable to read this file and move forward.

Does anyone know what this file is and why it is empty?

Thank you in advance for your help!


2023-03-27 20:21:01
2023-03-27 20:21:01

Issue/Error uploading Responsive Captive Project in LMS.  “Imported zip does not have valid content files.

Please Assist!

's comment
2023-03-27 20:51:49
2023-03-27 20:51:49
's comment

Did you activate Reporting and publish as a SCORM package?  All LMSs support those. But if you just zipped, without activating Reporting, the uploaded zipped package may be rejected because not all LMSs accept zipped packages which do not include the SCORM files.

2019-01-11 17:46:49
2019-01-11 17:46:49

Good afternoon,

This issue has been resolved! My LMS support identified what the issue was, unfortunately, Adobe Support did not know how to address it. Taking a shot in the dark to see if would stumble on anything that mentioned Playbar, I went into the Skin Editor under Windows and saw that it had the Playback controls including an option for Playbar. The Show Playback Control box was unchecked, so none of the controls were being provided. This is why the PlaybarStyle.css file in my zip file was blank.

I went ahead and checked the box and republished the the zip file. I then went into the zip file to check the Playbar folder. The folder no longer contained an empty file. I was then able to successfully upload the file into my LMS and create a course.

I contacted my LMS support and he indicated he has been doing some research. It appears there is an issue with the zip extraction process, where it will extract blank files. When the zip file is uploaded to the LMS, the LMS may not know what to do with the blank file. He’s going to add code to allow the LMS to skip over a blank file and move on with the process.

I am very relieved this issue has been resolved. I just purchased Captivate 2019 last week. I wouldn’t be able to justify the expense to my manger if I could not get it to work with our LMS.

Thanks to those that have been trying to assist!

's comment
2019-01-11 17:58:43
2019-01-11 17:58:43
's comment

What a strange issue, never did see something mentioned like that on the forums (which I monitor daily since 10 years). You have turned off the Playbar, because in the default setup it is turned on. I never use a playbar, always provide custom controlling, have never seen the problem you mention. It is probably linked with the LMS. I forgot to ask to test on Scorm  Cloud because that would have clarified that the problem is with the LMS, not with Captivate.

Anyhow, thanks for taking the time to explain the solution. For future users with a similar problem, could you identify the LMS please?

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-01-11 19:38:50
2019-01-11 19:38:50
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

The issue is very strange. The LMS I am using is Athena, which is owned by Digital Tangents.

I initially did test the file in Scorm Cloud successfully.

2019-01-10 19:37:06
2019-01-10 19:37:06

I’m using Captivate 2019 and it is Scorm 1.2.

2019-01-10 09:20:20
2019-01-10 09:20:20

Which version are you using, please? Is this a SCO, and if yes, 1.2 or 2004?

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