Issue with setting up a drag-and-drop with a button with a roll-over state.
I’m trying to set up a drag-and-drop interaction. My source is a button for which I’ve added a roll-over state. When I try to select it as the source it’s got a little lock next to it, preventing me from identifying it as the source. I’m assuming that the fact that I’ve already assigned it a state is causing this issue. Just wanted to confirm that and determine if there’s any way around this. Thanks.
Here the link to that tutorial:
Interactive objects cannot be used as drag sources, nor as drop targets. This is only due to its interactivity functionality, not to the states.
Maybe you ignore that Drag&Drop objects themselves can have several InBuilt states. I will post a link to a tutorial explaining those states in another comment (will appear later due to moderation waiting time).
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