February 9, 2019
PowerPoint saved as responsive doesn’t maintain aspect ratio during preview
February 9, 2019
PowerPoint saved as responsive doesn’t maintain aspect ratio during preview
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 0 people

I created a PowerPoint Captivate Project and then saved it as responsive. When I use the layout preview while working on the project, the slides maintain aspect ratio as they change size. But when I do a project preview and change the size, the slides get squished or stretched instead of maintaining aspect ratio. Why?

Note: I selected maintain aspect ratio when I imported the PP slides. And I cannot create a Responsive project and then import the PP because I am on a Mac.

2019-02-26 19:07:34
2019-02-26 19:07:34

I was using Fluid boxes, but realistically I wasn’t doing anything at all. Just importing the PP slides, and the slides seemed to end up as the background image and not part of a fluid box at all. If I don’t save the PP as responsive, and just do a basic PP import and project, how will the course show up on different devices? Will the project automatically be resized? Because that’s why I was saving it as responsive.

's comment
2019-02-26 22:49:30
2019-02-26 22:49:30
's comment

PPT itself is NOT responsive. A PPT slide is conveerted to a sort of movie slide which plays what was set up in PPT, nothing more. Publish to HTML5 and check the option ‘Scalable HTML. It will always be in landscape but could rescale to the browser resolution of the used device.

2019-02-18 08:52:41
2019-02-18 08:52:41

Which type of responsive workflow did you use? Fluid boxes or Breakpoints?

2019-02-10 09:28:09
2019-02-10 09:28:09

This will not an answer you’ll like but please, do NOT use PPT slides for a responsive project at all.  Converting a non-responsive project to a responsive project will fluid boxes may sound nice but after some testing I  concluded that it will only work for very simple projects. An importes PPT slide is in fact a video slide trying to mimick the animations set up in PPT. It can fit only in one fluid box for that reason (wouldn’t even be possible for real slide video). If you dont want it to be squeezed, you need to convert that fluid box in a  static fludi box, which can keep width/height ratio.

What do you expect to happen?   Unzip the ppt file, take out the assets and import them in the Library of a new responsive project after having set up the fluid boxes on master slides.

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