Responsive Project: Image gets too small on devices and text stays large (doesn’t size down).
Question re Image and Text Size
Can someone help me figure this out please? I have the text caption and image looking good on desktop, but when I switch to a device, like an iPhone 6, the text doesn’t adjust down (so it’s too large) and the image becomes very small.
I am using V2019 (11.01.266) in a responsive project and with fluid boxes. (I made the fluid box with the image STATIC because I have a click box laying on top of it.)
Thank you …
Hi again – sorry, I think I re-answered some of the same questions before. I see your reply now that I should not stack things in a fluid box and make it static. Noted!
I usually preview the project on a device size (like the iphone option), but I have also published on Scorm Cloud to view on my phone and it still didn’t look right. The images are too fuzzy.
Thanks for trying to help – I appreciate it, though I may just “give up” for a bit now.
You seem to misunderstand. If you want to stack items, you NEED a static fluid box. That means that the FB will lose a lot of its fluidity. How did you set up that fluid box for the rest? Normally a static fluid box keeps only the Height/Width ratio fixed. Does it have the same ratio as your image? At which size was it created, the exact size you need for the biggest browser resolution?
Hi – my reply is a long time later, as I was trying to work with Captivate Support and getting turned around and around. I used a responsive project with fluid boxes in V2019 ( I just want to create an eLearning course that can be viewed on mobile devices and that’s the way I thought I “had” to do it.
Sorry, see that you are on which is most recent one.
Your question seems to be updated, didn’t see that you use a Static fluid box. That is mostly a bad idea, you lose the real fluidity. You cannot stack objects in a normal fluid box, indeed. Do you need that click box, is it not possible with a workaround?
Did you test after publishing and uploading to a webserver, or did you test in another way?
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