March 27, 2019
Keeps failing Scorm Cloud not getting a completion
March 27, 2019
Keeps failing Scorm Cloud not getting a completion
Newbie 2 posts
Followers: 1 people

I am using captivate 2019 and my project is not able to go through SCORM Cloud. and if it does its not getting a completion status in our LMS. Its at 100% slide view.

2020-05-08 17:32:19
2020-05-08 17:32:19

I too am having issues with several modules that SCORM result details show ‘satisfied’ is false and success status is unknown.  I have removed slide views as a requirement and just have Quiz completion 80% or better. so the learners are completing but still showing ‘in progress’.  our LMS is Cornerstone

's comment
2020-05-09 09:27:10
2020-05-09 09:27:10
's comment

Did you test in SCORM Cloud and have the same problems? That is a good practice to figure out if the problem is due to the setup in Captivate or to the LMS.

2019-03-31 08:59:17
2019-03-31 08:59:17

Have you tried the suggestions? If yes, what was the result?

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-04-01 11:02:46
2019-04-01 11:02:46
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

Still not getting a completion status in our Corner Stone LMS.  The button you suggest at the end still didn’t get a completion status. I  made it sure the button was the only criteria to be scored with a value of 1 and the completion criteria. They suggest that the jeopardy widget may be causing the issue our sponsor is very adamant in having that feature. Our course of action is to turn it into a .exe and management is considering Articulate Storyline because this is not the only instance Captivate cannot deliver the desired deliverable. Thanks for your responses to my issues.

's comment
2019-04-01 13:47:59
2019-04-01 13:47:59
's comment

Jeopardy widget is an interactive widget, which means that it can be scored as well. However the score will not reflect the score obtained in the game. It will be attributed to the learner if the game has been played. This is new information which you didn’t mention before.

EXE files are Flash-based. I am sure the problems are due in the first place to lack of knowledge of Captivate, hope you have more luck with SL. It seems easier but is also much more limited in features.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-04-02 10:36:40
2019-04-02 10:36:40
Lieve Weymeis
's comment


Thanks for your input even though they have not helped at all. I have been using Captivate 7 all the way up to this recent version of 2019 and produced E-learning products for Private and Government sectors using this . Your comment of “lack of knowledge” is very disrespectful.

's comment
2019-04-02 10:46:00
2019-04-02 10:46:00
's comment

Sorry, but I have trained too many developers which did use Captivate since many versions as well, but really did lack some very basic knowledge of Captivate.  Often their ‘problems’ were solved after gaining insight in those basics. It was not meant personally, but based on those experiences.

2019-03-28 09:13:19
2019-03-28 09:13:19

100% slide views can give problems, because you are never really sure that each slide will be viewed totally.

Either lower that requirement, or add a button which has to be pressed at the end by the user, and put a score to that button. You can then add the requirement to pass the quiz at a percentage of 100%.

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