March 11, 2019
LMS and Captivate
March 11, 2019
LMS and Captivate
Newbie 9 posts
Followers: 0 people

I created a course, and it was put in our Success Factors LMS , published as HTML5, Scorm 1.2.  Over 500 people took the course successfully and gained completion.

The next wave of users is having an issue with completion in Chrome.   and nothing in the course has changed nor has it been republished.

Anyone ever seen this?  I’ll gladly take suggestions for solutions.  We have a lot  more work coming through!

Thank you!

2019-03-14 13:18:26
2019-03-14 13:18:26

Mary, can I ask what is happening, and what LMS you are using?  I am having the same issue, and the LMS Admin keeps saying it’s chrome and SWF.  thank you! And if this is something we need to notify Captivate about, let’s do it!  

2019-03-13 20:18:36
2019-03-13 20:18:36

My Captivate 2019 files  will not give credit in LMS when completed.

Does anyone have a fix??

I’ve been trying for 3 weeks to find the “secret hand shake” publishing settings so it will communicate.

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