Recently, I’ve begin to define specific roles for my eLearning development tools and it has made an improvement in my efficiency. For instance, I have realized how much easier and faster it is to create all my text/image-based content in PowerPoint and import it into Captivate, and then build interactions around the PPT slides in Captivate. Let the tools do what they are best at.
The round tripping feature in Captivate makes using PowerPoint very, very easy. As much as I love Captivate, PowerPoint is much faster for content creation and slide layout.
PowerPoint is a universal tool, which makes it easy to share with SMEs, so that they can make the edits themselves and provide you with revisions.
I know I’m not the first to proclaim this, but thought I would share with you this information, in hopes that it may benefit you in your eLearning development.