In this Adobe Captivate video tutorial, I show you my workaround for getting closed captions into your 360° video slides or projects. Eventually, I hope that Adobe comes up with a simplified workflow that doesn’t require this solution, but in the meantime, this will get you through it.

Great tutorial Paul, as usual!
This workaround seems to only work for the slide video or image. I am trying to add an audio hotspot and even when I choose to add audio in the option section the CC tab is not there. Any solutions for adding CC to audio hotspots?
Because of the nature of triggered audio, you cannot add closed captions for such items. I make sure if I’m triggering audio, that, the exact text is also visible on the screen.
Hopefully this becomes an inbuilt feature
I’ve been looking for something similar
This is fantastic and inclusive of the deaf community and a support to people learning new languages.
Nice guide. Keep up the good work!
Great work around, but we should get this baked in.