April 14, 2019
Partial score
April 14, 2019
Partial score
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hi to every one!!!

I am totally new to Captivate 9, and I am trying to put my head around it bit by bit…

For some reason the option to put a “partial score” and point value for in a question are not there any longer…Obviously I have changed something but I am unable to bring the options back..Could you please help? Am i in the right place to ask?



2019-04-18 07:30:32
2019-04-18 07:30:32

Could you find the solution to your problem? Or are you still missing the partial scoring feature? Can you check the exact version number (Help, About Captivate) which should start with 9.0.2?

2019-04-15 07:17:09
2019-04-15 07:17:09

A last recommendation. If you need to create a lot of partial scores, know that GIFT import is another possiblity. It allows you define partial scoring which will be applied to answers on import (not penalty). The only drawback is that you need to use percentages in GIFT, which will be converted to rounded score (no decimal) after import in CP.

2019-04-15 07:04:14
2019-04-15 07:04:14

I post the links separately because it can take some time for moderation.  The 5 articles about default setup of Quiz slides are all mentioned in this post, where I explain a first tweaking possiblity (more have been posted or ar planned):


2019-04-15 07:02:36
2019-04-15 07:02:36

Nothing has changed concerning partial scores. It is only possible for MCQ type of questions with multiple correct answers. None of the other types support partial scoring.

If you turn it on, you need to use the Properties panel for each of the answers to define the score for that answer, positive or negative (for penalty). In the Quiz Properties the total score and total penalty will be calculated automatically.

I have no idea to which older version you are referring.

I will post some links to several articles I wrote about the default setup of Quiz slides.

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