Sincerely hope you did read the sequence of articles describing in-depth the default setup of quiz slides in Captivate:
To understand the tweak described here. it is really recommended to have read at least the first two articles, and the fourth one.
Step-by-step Non-responsive project
It is not possible to edit the feedback messages on the master slide at all. For that reason you need this bit cumbersome workflow, which I will describe step by step. Supposed is that you kept the default settings in Preferences, Defaults to use Shapes as text containers for the feedback messages (SFH), not captions. This means that the object styles for those messages can be found in the Object Style Manager, Quizzing category under Shapes.
Step 1: Delete or edit Text
Before inserting any quiz slide, delete or edit the default labels for the two messages. In this example I deleted both the Success and Failure messages. You may want to keep a short text to instruct the learner to click the slide to continue (second step Submit Process). Default labels are included in the Preferences of the project, not in the project theme. If you edit Preferences in a project those changes will only be valid for this project. If you want to use the changes for future projects, you could either export the Preferences and import them in those projects, or edit the Global Preferences (done without opening any project, from the Welcome screen).
You learned about the confusion: in that dialog box it shows that the caption styles will be used, but that is not the case in our workflow. We kept the default setup in Preferences, Defaults, to use shapes, no captions.
This step can eventually be done after step 2 as well
Step 2: Edit one Quizzing master slide, fill shapes with images
If you do not save the theme, the changes to the master slides will not affect future projects, so you can do so. Or you could first duplicate the master to keep the original one safe. In that case.
Use the Style tab in the Properties panel to fill the Incorrect shape with an image. I used a simple rectangular image (checkmark) but any image will do. Maybe you’ll have to move some feedback messages out of the way to find the incorrect shape. You will have to change the size to fit the image. Look at the setup in this screenshot:
In the screenshot you’ll see the Label still appearing. That is always the case on master slides, they never reflect changes in Label editing. Do not worry, when inserting a quiz slide based on this master slide, the edit label will appear.
Do the same for the other feedback messages where you want to use an image. The described example here only changed the Success and Failure messages to images.
Step 3: Save Object Style(s)
Use the hamburger menu in the Style part, option ‘Save changes to existing style and repeat that for each message where you inserted an image in the shape.
The styles are now also changed in the Object Style Manager (component of the Theme) and automatically applied to other master slides using those styles: Matching and Hotspot:
Step 4: Position of messages
Move the new feedback shapes in place in one of the master slides, and do the same for those text feedback messages which you may have moved to be able to select the Success/failure shapes. Resize them to the appropriate size if you didn’t do it yet. In my use case I will have them aligned horizontally centered. To apply these settings to the other quizzing master slides, use the hamburger menu in the Options tab, unique option ‘Apply to all items of this type’. Do this individually for all messages filled with images (I had to repeat for the Failure shape). All will now be in place
Step 5: Insert all quiz slides
You can now insert all the quiz slides, eventually even by importing GIFT or CSV. If you deleted the text messages in step 1, you will see that the shapes now only have their image. It is still possible to change images on certain slides if you don’t like to have identical feedback images for all slides. Just replace the image name in the Fill of the shape. If the image size is different, you may have to resize and change its position.
Responsive project
For a responsive project with Breakpoints the same workflow as described for a non-responsive project can be followed, but you’ll have to check the layout for all breakpoints of course. However for Fluid boxes, we have to cope with the limitations of that workflow. Approach will be bit different. All feedback messages in such a project are stacked in a static fluid box. You can find a more in detail exploration of the setup of the Fluid Boxes in the Quizzing master slide in this post. It was written for CP2017, but is still valid for CP2019. The height of that fluid box is about 11,6% of the total height, will in most cases not be sufficient to show the image feedback. You have to edit the design of the master slide to start with.
Step 1: Delete Text Messages
Workflow identical to the one described for a non-responsive project.
Step 2: Edit layout quizzing master slides
These will the edits I’ll make to all quizzing master slides to be used in the quiz:
Will get rid of the present static fluid box for the messages, increase the height of the Fluid Box with the Answer area (presently about 46%). That fluid box will be divided in two horizontal fluid boxes, left one (bigger width) will remain the answer area, the right one will become the new static fluid box for the feedback messages, incluiding the images. It is up to you if you do this on a duplicate of the original master slide or directly on the master slide itself.
Here are the screenshots before and after editing:
You see the size of the static feedback fluid box in the Position panel. I made Rulers visible and added some guides to show the height of the Answer fluid box.
I will not elaborate on the exact workflow to rearrange the layout. It involves:
- Unlocking content items from the fluid box and dragging them to the scratch area, both for the Feedback fluid box and the Answer Area fluid box.
- Deleting the Feedback Fluid box.
- Resizing the Answer Area Fluid box to give it as much height as possible using its parent fluid box.
- Inserting two horizontal Fluid boxes in the Answer Area Fluid box and resizing both Fluid Boxes. Maybe change their setup.
- Drag the content items back in the Answer area and in the new static Feedback Fluid box.
If you want same image feedback for the other quizzing master slides, you’ll have to repeat the process because their initial layout is little bit different.
Step 3: Fill shapes with images
Identical to the non-responsive project. As with the non-responsive project, text messages will remain visible on the master slides, even after having deleted them
Step 4: Save Object Style(s)
If you want the same images for the other quizzing master slides, keep the original style and use the workflow described for a non-responsive project. If you don’t want that, you need to create a duplicate style which will only be applied to this master slide.
Step 5: Insert Quiz slides
Same workflow as for non-responsive projects. The text seen in the images on the master slide, will not appear when inserting Quiz slides based on that master slides if you have deleted the text in step 1. You can use GIFT and CSV import as well.
This first tweak uses the power of shapes (my favourite object), object styles and master slides which are both part of the theme. If you save a theme based on a project with images instead of text you’ll be able to use it for future projects. Do not forget that you will still have to delete or edit the default labels for those feedback images because that is a Preferences setting, not a Theme setting.
In the next tweak I will explain how to deal with slide audio on a quiz or score slide. The third tweak is based on a common request: how can I have a Continue button instead of the second step of the Submit process.