April 2, 2019
Any specific major drawback in ‘Breakpoint Mode’ Responsive design
April 2, 2019
Any specific major drawback in ‘Breakpoint Mode’ Responsive design
in It industry as Instructor, Developer since 25+ years. Work on Java, .Net, Network protocols, Different Networking System like Linux, Windows Server . Prog. in Adv. Excel etc.
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I develop projects with Break point Mode as well as with Fluid Boxes. Both have pro & cons. But, Captivate 2019, does not give direct option of creating a project using ‘Break point Mode’. There must be some reason in (Cp official developers)their mind.

So my question is that only. Any major drawback in ‘Break point mode’ ? Or is it going to be fully removed in future version(similar to Flash, which is almost ignored now a days.) ?

2019-04-03 07:32:57
2019-04-03 07:32:57

In my mind Fluid Boxes do not lead to a full responsive project at all. Only when you can replace items suitable for desktop/laptop screens and power by other items for less powerful mobile devices you’ll have a fully responsive project. Same as for websites. Fluid Boxes is something in between, where layout with the containers (called Fluid Boxes) can be manipulated by Captivate to fit screens in Portrait mode, or smaller screens. You have the optional feature, but not a replacement feature where you can replace a video by an image, a photo by an icon etc as is possible for Breakpoints. I sincerely hope and will struggle as much as possible to keep the Breakpoint workflow, although it needs lot more hours to create a project. Just regret that the smooth font size decreasing we have in Fluid Boxes is not available in Breakpoints workflow.

Can only insist that you log as many requests as possible about Breakpoints. Lot more developers still prefer that workflow, but they remain too silent….

2019-04-03 07:26:18
2019-04-03 07:26:18

I am also fanatic aout terminology. It is Flash Player, needed for SWF output which will disappear soon, nt the Flash workflow itself which is still the core of most games. Due to that eternal confusion, Adobe renamed the Flash application to Animate CC.  The dead of SWF output  is not due to Adobe but to that fruit company. A fully standardized output format was banned from their devices. It is now replaced by non-standardized HTML5 which is supported by browsers in many different ways, and cannot still replicate everything what was possible for SWF output.

2019-04-03 07:23:45
2019-04-03 07:23:45

Personally I don’t believe that Fluid Boxes workflow can fit all needs of developers for responsive projects, not only because they lose lot of control over the design, but also because of other limitations in use of objects and master slides

As usual, since FB’s are new, the team is promoting them a lot. Always regret when marketing has priority over usefulness. I have logged multiple feature requests. The developer should have the choice when starting a new responsive project between FB’s or Breakpoints. There should be at least some packaged themes for Breakpoints.

BTW this change happened in CP2017, not in CP2019. You know about my stubborn Captivate memory.

Lieve Weymeis
's comment
2019-04-03 07:53:49
2019-04-03 07:53:49
Lieve Weymeis
's comment

I like your comment,”….Always regret when marketing has priority over usefulness. ..”


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