Hi Again,
After further investigation, I ran the utils function and now everything is where I expect it to be.
Nell B
Hi All,
I am about to create a course using Captivate 9 and am struggling to find a couple of features I am used to:
1. Where do I set the editing view to show me the buttons that normally sit below the menu bar. In the past these buttons have always been visible. I also created a new simulation and the buttons are missing from that view as well.
2. How do I display the panels such as properties, timing and position and have them sit within the authoring window?
I would really appreciate some help on this one. I have attached a screen shot of the top of my authoring screen with the missing buttons.
Nell B
Thanks Lieve for your response.
Yes, I ran the CleanPreferences from the Utils folder.
I have used Captivate before, however the only way that we know how to create courses is via importing a PowerPoint and adding some hover text and linking to simulations. I realise this is a very basic use of the software.
That is putting a very small engine in a big jet…
PPT import is the least useful feature of Captivate. I will never use it. Presentation tools are different from eLearning tools.
You can switch to the Expert UI by opening Preferences, and check the option ‘Enable Custom Workspaces…’ under General Settings. You will have to restart Captivate.
Now you can use the Window menu to show the panels you want to see all the time, and save the workspace using the option ‘New Workspace’ which you find under the ‘Classic’ field in the top right of your CP window. You can create as many workspaces as you want.
You mean that you ran the CleanPreferences from the utils subfolder? That can indeed restore corrupted items and would have been my recommendation.
As for the different panels, they are all under the Window menu. I use the Expert UI and created several custom workspaces. But if you are in the Newbie UI which panels are displayed depend on Captivate’s decision and the present situation.