May 15, 2019
Learning Interaction and Audio on Main Timeline
May 15, 2019
Learning Interaction and Audio on Main Timeline
Since 1998, I have designed and developed numerous interactive, facilitator-led, technology-assisted learning and performance support tools. I hold a master’s degree in education: curriculum and instruction, with a specialization in adult education. I am also a magician.
Newbie 17 posts
Followers: 17 people

Hi all,

I’ve built a slide with a five-tab learning interaction. Each content panel in the interaction includes audio. There is also audio on the main slide timeline. I can’t figure out a way to stop the main slide audio when a tab on the interaction is clicked, and this results in two audio files playing at the same time.

Is there a way I can disable the main timeline audio when the interaction buttons are pressed?



2019-05-20 08:32:28
2019-05-20 08:32:28

Blog has been published, and is in the featured articles:

2019-05-19 08:05:57
2019-05-19 08:05:57

I have been exploring your problem more in-depth, and will post a blog today. It is much more complicated than you will expect. Without having access to the source code of the widget there is no way to do what you want: pause slide audio when a tab is clicked in the widget which will trigger the object audio to play. Pausing and audio types is a difficult toic, have already published several times about it.

My proposal is: make sure that the slide audio is finished before allowing access to the interaction. More work, but closer to your question: do not use the interaction but create a custom version.

2019-05-16 07:37:46
2019-05-16 07:37:46

Here is the link to the blog with the table:

Learning Interactions

2019-05-16 07:36:35
2019-05-16 07:36:35

Slide audio can be paused by the pausing point of an interactive object.  But the Tabs interaction is NOT an interactive interaction. I know that this sounds very confusing terminology.  It means that it doesn’t have a pausing point, you need to pause the slide using an interactive object.

To answer your question: you can pause the slide audio, but not on clicking a tab. You need to pause it  during the use of the interaction. I have published already several articles about using the learning interactions. Maybe need to write another one, trying to explain more in detail. Will post a link in another comment to a post, where you can download a free table summarizing details of the majority of the learning interactions (recent ones like Bulletin is not includes).

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