May 21, 2019
Responsive design – video displays incorrectly when turning mobile whilst playing
May 21, 2019
Responsive design – video displays incorrectly when turning mobile whilst playing
Newbie 1 posts
Followers: 0 people

Hi everyone,

I am designing a responsive Project including a video with a breakpoint for landscape and portrait mobile view.  If I pause the video and then turn the screen, the video adjusts correctly to landscape mode. If the video is however playing and I turn the phone, the video is displayed incorrectly – loads of it cut off and in a weird position. If I pause the video it jumps to the correct position.

I would be grateful for any ideas on how to fix this issue, as the video should display correctly, no matter when the screen is turned.

Thank you so much!

2020-05-23 14:08:06
2020-05-23 14:08:06

Hi Mathias,  i’m piggybacking on your post.

Did you manage to get the videos do play fullscreen whilst publishing in HTML5?

's comment
2020-06-08 07:22:35
2020-06-08 07:22:35
's comment

The OP used Breakpoint views, is that also the case in your project? Or are you using the Fluid Boxes workflow?

2019-05-28 08:30:10
2019-05-28 08:30:10

I’m sorry to see that you still didn’t get an answer.  Breakpoint views are not used that much since Fluid Boxes appeared. You didn’t specify the exact version ou are using, nor on which devices you have tested the published output. Please offer some more details. Is the video inserted as event or synchronized video?

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