Captivate 2019 and Flash
I have Windows 10 on a desktop computer, and have been using it for years, and intentionally removed Flash from my computer and only allow it to run in the Chrome browser since it is hopefully sandboxed there.
Recently I’ve noticed that Windows 10 wants to install Adobe Flash updates.
Did Adobe Captivate or Adobe Captivate Update install Flash on my computer?
I am only creating responsive projects, although some tutorials that I have been learning from include Flash Captivate projects, which I open and immediately convert to Responsive Captivate projects before continuing with the training. Is it possible to convert these to Responsive BEFORE opening them?
Does Captivate require Flash to be on my computer to create or run responsive projects?
Is there a way I can safely remove and permanently eliminate Flash from my computer without hurting my ability to create and run Captivate Responsive projects? If so, now that it appears to be installed, how do I get rid of Flash? I looked in Windows 10 > Add or Remove Programs and many Adobe apps were listed, but Flash is not one of them.
Captivate can still publish to SWF, that may be the origin.
One problem is for non-responsive project. Most Preview methods for such a project will create a temporary SWF output to show an image of the expected output. Only F11, Preview HTML in Browser will create a temporary HTML folder.
For non-responsive project that problem is inexistent.
I would not bother that much about having Flash Player on your system…. Disable the plugins from browsers.
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