Captivate 2019 11.01.266
Working in Breakpoint mode. Using smart shapes as buttons. Multiple buttons on each slide
I am able to get the images and buttons resized and located correctly in the breakpoint view and in the preview and preview on devices prior to publication. When published, the buttons are not sizing or stay associated with the locations on the breakpoints as designed, causing overlaps, text to get cut off, and incorrect placements. When I return to the Captivate file, the resizing has defaulted back to the original button size – is this a project size issue? There are only 27 screens, but there are several videos embedded (I’m still forced to design and develop to the IE 11 environment and I don’t want the user to download the video to view it.) Everything else – images, text, graphics – are working right – did I miss a setting on using a smart shape as a button here?
Hey Lieve!
I would love to leave IE 11, but my large department in an unnamed, yet expansive governmental executive branch has only been testing Chrome for 10 years and isn’t sure if it meet their specs yet…
Tested it on Firefox and Android, and the resizing isn’t as bad there – just some font tweaking when it gets smaller. The weird part is when I open the Captivate file and the size of the buttons and fonts has reset to a dev fault, even after I saved the changes before closing it previously. Is there a preference setting I’m missing that is causing this behavior?
Did you set up the Object styles correctly for those shape buttons? Have a look at:
Checked this again and reset my preferences, then saved it off as a theme. I’m thinking a bit more simplified approach may help things as well, stripping out some of the bells and whistles the client liked in favor of a cleaner interaction. All in all, it’s probably more browser based than a Captivate issue, but the reversions in the saved file were vexing, to say the least. Hopefully, setting the theme will solve that moving forward. Thanks as always for your time and patience, Lieve!
You already mentioned several possible causes: IE is the worst browser to support HTML, not even really supported by MS itself anymore. Please switch to a modern browser, leave that dinosaur to his rest.
Too big a file can be an issue, but normally not lead to the problems you indicate. Did you upload the file to a webserver and test it that way on different devices? With a real browser (where is IE on mobile devices?)
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